2021 Zoning Review - Affordable Housing & More

Affordable Housing

A hot topic and for good reason

This is where you'll find information about the Planning Commission's efforts around Affordable Housing and Jericho's Zoning Regulations

On January 20, 2022 The Selectboard, after hearing from the public, approved the draft Zoning Regulations.

Click to view

On December 16, 2021, the Selectboard warned a draft of the Affordable Housing Zoning Regulations.

The Selectboard held public hearings on this draft on Thursday January 6, and Thursday January 18, 2022.

  • A link to a presentation summarizing the Zoning amendments and the Planning Commission (PC) amendment process shared during the January 6 hearing

Affordable Housing

A hot topic and for good reason

This is where you'll find information about the Planning Commission's efforts around Affordable Housing and Jericho's Zoning Regulations

On January 20, 2022 The Selectboard, after hearing from the public, approved the draft Zoning Regulations.

Click to view

On December 16, 2021, the Selectboard warned a draft of the Affordable Housing Zoning Regulations.

The Selectboard held public hearings on this draft on Thursday January 6, and Thursday January 18, 2022.

  • A link to a presentation summarizing the Zoning amendments and the Planning Commission (PC) amendment process shared during the January 6 hearing may be found by Clicking Here. A similar presentation shared during the January 20 hearing can be found by Clicking Here.
  • The Selectboard heard comments from the public at this hearing and has asked the Planning Commission to respond at the next public hearing. Answer to question from January 6, 2022 public hearing
  • Click HERE for a link to the MMCTV video recording of these meetings.

The draft can be found here.

Answer to question from January 6, 2022 public hearing

The public notice of the Public Hearing can be found here

A Planning Commission Report on the listed changes is found here

On December 14, 2021, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the draft Zoning amendments. After hearing from the public, they approved their recommended amendments and voted to send them off to the Selectboard for their public hearings and (hopeful) approval. The Selectboard is set to warn their public hearings at their December 16 meeting.

The Planning Commission's public hearing can be viewed on the Planning Commission webpage.

On November 16, 2021 the Planning Commission warned a draft of the Affordable Housing Zoning Regulations.

The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on this draft on Tuesday December 14, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. at Jericho Town Hall, 67 VT Route 15, Jericho, Vermont or virtually via Zoom. Please note that masking is required in Town Hall. Register in advance for the Zoom meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcqduqrqzkoG9NGLWMzwO62am3xIe19JnvC. After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

This draft can be found here.

The public notice of the Public Hearing can be found here

A Planning Commission Report on the listed changes is found here

As stated in a guidance documents developed by the Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development, Enabling Better Places: A Zoning Guide for Vermont Neighborhoods:

“Decent, affordable, and reasonably located homes, more than anything, determine the well-being of every Vermonter. Where we live can ease or complicate our access to work, schools, recreation, and services.

Zoning for Great Neighborhoods aims to help towns address the mismatch between Vermont’s available houses and the increase in smaller households including the homes needed for our aging population. Updated local land use regulations are needed to provide housing choices for more Vermonters.”

Supported by this knowledge and the Jericho Affordable Housing Committee (JAHC), the Jericho Planning Commission is working on a series of updates to affordable housing in the Land Use Regulations (AKA "Zoning Regulations")

Throughout the spring, summer and fall of 2021, the Planning Commission developed and discussed changes to Jericho's Zoning Regulations related to Affordable Housing, specifically:

  • Planned Unit Development
  • Accessory Dwelling Units
  • For Discussion: Expanded Use Table
  • For Discussion: Parking Requirements
  • Inclusionary Zoning (click on the blue link to view a presentation by the JAHC)

They will continue to discuss further amendments. What could these amendments include?

  • Greater flexibility for developing other housing types through out Town, such as duplexes, triplexes and multi-family housing
  • Reduced required number of residential parking spaces or allowing on street parking where feasible
  • Reduced building setbacks and increased lot coverage
  • Streamlining the development review process, which could lower construction costs
  • Increasing sidewalks, street connections, crosswalks, and paths, especially in the growth areas. All with the goal to improve walking and biking
  • Encourage energy efficient housing

On this page, you will find more detail about all of this, suggested Zoning edits, and upcoming discussions.

Please note that the draft PUD edits are broader than just affordable housing. They include revisions to improve clarity throughout the PUD section. Click here to view the presentation on the PUD edits for more details. It may also be viewed on the right sidebar.

We also want to hear from YOU!

Below we have set up two discussion tools ("Post Your Ideas" and "Let's Discuss Affordable Housing"). We hope you will jump in on, have your say, listen to, and discuss affordable housing with others.

  • Here is where you can share your ideas about affordable housing on a collective "virtual" post-it note board. You can also like and comment on ideas that you care most about. 

    Here are some questions to help you get started with your post-it note:

    • What is important in affordable housing?
    • What are your ideas about how Jericho can encourage affordable housing?
    • Do you have any specific zoning changes that you would suggest?

    To add your idea
    Sign In / Register
    Start by submitting an idea
Page last updated: 12 May 2022, 09:10 AM