Tri-Town Alternative Transportation Committee

In 2017 the Town of Underhill established the Alternative Transportation Committee.

Since that time we’ve expanded to include Cambridge and Jericho to enable broader and more effective representation for our mission.

Our mission statement:

To identify and explore local and regional transportation options with the goal of increasing the availability of cost effective, convenient and accessible public transportation services.

In 2017 the Town of Underhill established the Alternative Transportation Committee.

Since that time we’ve expanded to include Cambridge and Jericho to enable broader and more effective representation for our mission.

Our mission statement:

To identify and explore local and regional transportation options with the goal of increasing the availability of cost effective, convenient and accessible public transportation services.

Do you have a question for us? Ask it here!

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  • Are the state park passes being sold today 5/20

    famhockey asked almost 4 years ago

    Yes they are, in front of the Jericho Town Hall until 4 pm today (May 20).

  • I hope you will consider a Saturday bus -- "The Saturday Shopper" -- from MMU in the summer (later to expand into October?) that would leave from MMU say 11am to Burlington and a return bus at 4pm or 5pm? This "express bus" would only have one other pick up and drop off at the Richmond Park and Ride? This would encourage teens and others to use mass transit and car pooling as well as older adults as well (all ages really). s/ Robert Devost Jericho

    Robert D asked over 5 years ago

    Robert - this sounds like a great idea.  I know the TTATC is thinking about more creative and helpful ways that transit can serve Jericho and surrounding towns.  I have passed your comment along to them and will respond further if they provide any helpful information.  Thanks for taking the time to comment!


  • What role can some new roads and the potential for a new connection to route 15 play in developing a user friendly park and ride/ bus stop? Is there way to hear from the TTATC folks in a formal discussion? Thanks

    Jason Cheney asked almost 6 years ago

    Jason, this is a great question and a super idea. I know that the Town in general could really benefit from a formal park and ride and bus stop along RT 15.  Maybe off of North Main Street?

    It looks like the best way for you to start this conversation would be with selectboard member Tim Nulty, one of the Jericho members of the TTATC.  You can contact him directly:


  • On this wonderful new website the Town of Jericho frequently associates with "who is listening" with such committees. Who is listening at TTATC?

    Jason Cheney asked almost 6 years ago

    You have asked a fine question. Staff is listening and I will make the addition of that to this page.  If there are questions/comments we will pass that along to the Jericho representative of the TTATC.


Page last updated: 16 Dec 2022, 01:35 PM