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368 VT Route 15 Union Bank

This application is a request to amend the previous approval for the Union Bank project, which was granted by the DRB on April 26, 2018. The approved building elevations depict Palladian style arch top windows as the primary casement style on the main portion of the building structure. The Union Bank has determined that they prefer the appearance of a fully rectangular window as depicted on the enclosed building elevations prepared by Silver Ridge Design, Inc. Addtionally, they are proposing other small changes to the building and site plan. The Applicant, Tatro 368 Route 15 Properties LLC, seeks approval from the DRB for this change.

This application was heard by the Development Review Board on February 27, 2019 and was continued to the March 13 DRB meeting. The meeting begins at 7:00 pm in the Town Hall.

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