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69 Packard Road Boundary Line Adjustment

The Estate of Elizabeth Wood is proposing conveying+/- 13.5 acres of their land, which include private walking trails, adding to the Town of Jericho's existing 28.7 acre, Rice Springs, property. Secondly the Wood Estate is proposing conveying +/- 1.3 acres of their land adding to the Agnew’s 1.3 acre existing lot. The Agnew lot is currently accessed via a triangular easement off Packard Road. The proposal would eliminate the need for the easement because the adjusted area would include the driveway and easement area. Once the adjustments with the two properties have been made the remaining land of the Wood Estate, on the west side of Packard Road, will consist of+/- 4.8 acres with existing outbuildings and a replacement septic system that was installed in 2005 servicing the existing dwelling on the east side of Packard Road.

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