JETF Presentation - March
The Jericho Energy Task Force is inviting all those interested in local weather and climate to join the Task Force in welcoming Conor Lahiff to an open Q an A on local climate and weather at the Deborah Rawson Memorial Library on March 28, 2024 at 7PM. Conor has been a Jericho resident for nearly 20 years and has been working for the National Weather Service for 22 years. He also has served on Jericho's Planning Commission and is a photographer of nature including the night sky. He will discuss such topics as will the weather allow us to see the eclipse; how fast is Jericho's annual rainfall increasing; is higher rainfall Jericho's most likely climate change; what about temperature extremes, particularly the last few winters, including this one with limited snowfall making white Christmases less likely than the past Light refreshments will be served. This is a waste free event, please bring your own cups.