Town Meeting Day Articles - Q & A 2
This post addresses 3 more questions about Article VI: Shall the Town adopt all budget articles by Australian Ballot? and Article VII: Shall the Town adopt all Public questions by Australian Ballot?
If a Town Meeting item is important enough to a voter, they will make the time to show up.
There are various reasons why individuals may not be able to attend Town Meeting. Disabilities can pose physical barriers, making it challenging for some to participate. Others, who are immunocompromised, may need to avoid large crowds to protect their health. Caregivers might have responsibilities that prevent them from attending. Work obligations also limit people's availability. Not all employers provide vacation time - some folks are only paid for the hours they work. Attending a 4 - 5 hour meeting can cause financial hardship for those living paycheck-to-paycheck.
In the Jericho Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee's survey, several respondents used the word "disenfranchised" to describe how they felt about not being able to vote during Town Meeting. For some, Town Meeting is not democracy in action, rather it impedes their ability to advocate and vote for budget items or policies that reflect their needs and concerns.
I would miss discussion, hearing all sides, finding consensus. It feels like one more step towards not talking to our neighbors.
Yes, Town Meeting discussion can be informative. However, it's hard to say whether we really hear all sides during Town Meeting. Some people find it very intimating to speak in public and may be hesitant to express their views. Talking to our neighbors is important and there could be other ways in which these conversations occur. A facilitated discussion during an informational meeting could serve the function of "hearing all sides."
Has Jericho tried changing it to the weekend? Or the evening?
The Town of Jericho has held Town Meeting on a Saturday and other towns have held meetings in the evening. However, a change in time or day has not been shown to increase participation beyond the usual attendees. While changing the day or time of a meeting might make it easier to attend for those with work responsibilities, it does not address the inability of certain marginalized groups to attend regardless of the time or location. Moving the Town Budget and all Public Questions to Australian ballot would allow voters to request an absentee ballot (and therefore vote from home) or vote anytime between 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM at the polling location.
To read more Frequently Asked Questions about Australian ballot, please visit the JDEI web page ( You can also email us - to share your questions, thoughts, and feedback.
And remember, you must vote from the floor this March 5th on Articles VI and VII.

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