Town Meeting Day Articles - Q & A 3

26 Feb 2024

In this post Jericho Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Committee continues to address some of the questions you've sent us regarding the vote on these articles:

ARTICLE VI Shall the Town adopt all budget articles by Australian Ballot?
ARTICLE VII Shall the Town adopt all Public questions by Australian Ballot?

What if only one article passes at the March 5th Town Meeting ?

If only Article VI passes, all budget items will be voted by ballot going forward while public questions will continue to be voted from the floor. Conversely, if only Article VII passes, all public questions will be voted by ballot going forward while budget items will continue to be voted from the floor.

Am I correct that those who may want this to pass because of their inability to attend Town Meeting, will need to attend to vote on these 2024 articles:

That is correct. While we know there are some people who cannot attend no matter what, if you have the ability to make it, your presence is essential to pass these articles. One cannot vote by proxy. For residents who are able and may be indifferent to the outcome, please consider attending to be a voice for those who cannot attend!

Town Meeting will be held in the auditorium at Mount Mansfield Union High School on Tuesday, March 5th. The meeting begins at 9 AM. If you are not registered to vote, there will be people at the high school who can register you.

Do I need to be in the auditorium from 9AM on in order to vote for Articles VI and VII?

No, you do not. You can arrive later than 9AM and still vote on Articles VI and VII, so long as you are there when they come up on the agenda. The first agenda item is the budget and takes quite a bit of time to get through.

The meeting will be livestreamed in the library for those who might want to sit removed from the main room until the vote comes up, at which point you will need to join everyone in the auditorium to vote.

Additionally, MMCTV will livestream the event on their YouTube channel: link)

You can watch the online stream from wherever is best for you and then come to the high school auditorium before the articles come up.

If you are working, or unable to watch the livestream, and would like us to text you when it is almost time, please send us an email with your cell number, link).

If we can help provide rides or make any other accommodations, please let us know.

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