Why is the DEI Committee exploring ways to increase access to Town Meeting?

    In response to Jericho’s Declaration of Inclusion adopted by the Selectboard in April 2023, the DEI committee aims to facilitate an inclusive discussion on enhancing democratic participation in Jericho. We seek to engage the community, including local leaders, in a conversation to better understand the lived experience and needs of Jericho’s historically and currently marginalized residents. 

    We are particularly interested in gathering feedback from the public regarding their personal experience with Town Meeting, as the committee strives to ensure that the chosen method for public participation in our democracy is accessible to all.

    How is Jericho's Town Meeting Organized?

    Jericho's Town Meeting takes place annually on the first Tuesday in March. During the meeting, town items known as articles are voted on either "from the floor"; or by using an Australian ballot (a paper ballot). 

    What Gets Decided at Town Meeting?

    The town budget, specifically, is voted on "from the floor" in a large auditorium, where all town residents gather. The meeting begins at 9AM and can last several hours to allow for public discussion before a voice vote of yea or nay is taken (unless an individual count is requested).

    Items such as the school budget, town officer elections, public questions or the presidential primary are submitted through a paper ballot known as the Australian ballot. These ballots can be submitted in person at a separate location from the budget floor vote during Town Meeting. Voters have a 12-hour window from 7AM to 7PM to submit their ballots.  Voters have the option to request a mail-in ballot for Town Meeting, which will be delivered to their home. They can either submit their completed ballot by mail or return it in person to the Town Hall prior to Town Meeting.

    Jericho's Town Meeting Turnout Statistics, 2013-2023

    Note: There were no in-person Town Meetings in 2021 or 2022 due to the pandemic, so the 'floor vote total' is zero. The 2023 information will be added to the table when it has been provided by the state.

    Which Vermont Towns (of similar size to Jericho) Use Australian Ballot at Town Meeting?

    ● Fairfax

    ● Newport City

    ● Hinesburg

    ● Saint Johnsbury

    ● Lyndon

    ● Randolph

    ● Castleton

    ● Brandon

    ● Rutland Town

    What is an Australian Ballot (and why is it called that)?

    The Australian ballot is a voting system where voters mark their choices privately on uniform printed ballots. 

    This system was first introduced in Victoria and South Australia in 1856, making these Australian states pioneers in using secret ballots. Due to their early adoption, the secret ballot is commonly known as the Australian ballot. 

    This voting method ensures the privacy of voters and is widely used in many countries around the world today.

    Where Can I Find Additional Background Information on Town Meeting Day?