Jericho Affordable Housing Committee Work plan for 2020/2021

Jericho Affordable Housing Committee

2020-2021 Work Plan

o Presentations from VHFA, CCRPC, VHCB, Habitat, CHT

o Interview local affordable housing officials in neighboring towns—Essex and Richmond still outstanding

o Begin Policy & Regulation review

ADUs—Obstacles to permitting and construction? How to promote them? Are incentives appropriate?

Zoning Map—identify new or confirm existing prime areas for affordable housing development and follow up with landowners; review recent development trends and completed projects

Identify naturally occurring affordable housing in Jericho and explore how we might preserve and protect this affordability

Identify funding sources for land acquisition or development

Identify any regulatory obstacles and if reasonable, determine if remedying these would result in real development

Provide analysis and recommendation for inclusionary zoning

Provide analysis and recommendation for the creation of a housing trust fund

o As part of the policy and regulatory review, consult with PC on previous testimony and hear from landowners/builders/contractors

o Maintain regular check in with relevant boards and commissions:




Peter—Conservation Commission

Participate in development plan review and discussions as these come forward in the near term.

For 2021

o Plan and conduct public forum in Winter/Spring 2021

o Conduct outreach to landowners and developers about affordable housing opportunities in targeted areas

o Plan and conduct online public forum in 2021 if it can be based on specific proposals

o Follow up this forum with recommendations to SB in 2021-2022

o Publish results of survey

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