Draft Budget Discussion Meeting Updates
The upcoming January 23 Draft Budget Discussion is the second step in Jericho’s reimagined approach to Town Meeting, guided by the discussion and action at the 2024 Town Meeting.
As a reminder, at the request of the Select Board a taskforce of Jericho residents recommended this year’s 3-step process and has been helping to organize elements of the effort. You can find the task force's many meeting notes and updates on this website. As this is a first try, we know there will be ways to improve the process in future years.
Co-chair of the taskforce and Town Moderator, David Barrington explains, “The January 23 meeting will look very familiar to people who have attended past Town Meetings. We will go through each section of the draft budget, hold discussion and then vote on suggested changes.” In the week after the January 23 meeting, the Selectboard will post the budget to be printed in the Town Report and voted by Australian Ballot on March 4.
Dave continues, “The major differences this year are the measures the task force is taking so that more voices can be heard. The meeting will be hybrid, thanks to MMCTV, so people who are participating from their homes via Zoom can participate and vote. We’re also doing this during the evening, when fewer people are at work. Most importantly, all Jericho voters will be able to cast a ballot for or against the final budget on March 4.”
Maria Rinaldi, a member of Jericho’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee which initiated the change in process last year, emphasizes “Jericho citizens decided to put important town actions to a paper ballot. January 23 is step 2 in our process to come together as a community to do the business of the Town in as accessible and meaningful a way as possible.”
To raise a question or vote on a motion at the January 23 meeting, you’ll be able to raise your hand either in person at the MMUHS auditorium or over Zoom.
Prior to the meeting, the Masons will serve a spaghetti dinner in collaboration with the Lions Club. We are suggesting a $10 donation ($5 for kids under 12) to cover costs. You are welcome to bring a plate of cookies to share for dessert.
Also prior to the meeting, you can find tables with information about the activities of town and civic groups, as has happened in the past at Town Meeting.
The Draft Budget Discussion will be held Thursday, January 23 (with a January 27 backup date), starting at 6 p.m. in the auditorium of Mount Mansfield Union High School. Spaghetti dinner will be available starting at 5 p.m. for a suggested donation of $10 ($5 for kids under 12), thanks to the Masons and the Lions Club. Please sign up ahead of time for dinner, the on-line meeting, or the in-person meeting at http://bit.ly/jerichobudget25. You’ll also find FAQs there. Advance registration isn’t required but will greatly help us plan logistics and food. If you prefer, you can sign up for dinner by calling the Town Clerk at 802 899 4936 x1. The Zoom link will be found in the agenda once it is posted. The Australian Ballot vote on the final budget will be March 4, 2025 at the high school. The polls will be open for Australian ballot voting from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. |
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