Selectboard Creates New Task Force to Reimagine Town Meeting

On Town Meeting Day, community members who were present voted to decide on budget matters and other warned questions by Australian ballot in the future. In the motion, however, voters included a provision by which a hybrid gathering similar to Town Meeting would occur at some point prior. This could allow citizens time to get together, discuss the budget and other issues and vote on what the Select Board puts on the Australian ballot. Our community wants the best of both worlds—inclusion for all in the making of policy decisions AND the opportunity to come together as a community and participate in direct democracy.

After Select Board chair Catherine McMains reached out to the community to staff a group to reimagine Town Meeting in 2025 and beyond, a newly formed task force met on Thursday, April 11 to begin the process. Members engaged in a rich discussion about the work before them and began planning how to get it done. Gaye Symington and Dave Barrington agreed to co-chair the committee and Beth Esmond agreed to serve as secretary with Cathy Paris as back-up. There is still time to join the task force! Please reach out to if you are interested. The group is still working on a meeting schedule.

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