Town Meeting Reimagined Information
What happens after this meeting?
After this meeting, the Selectboard will finalize the budget and will print it (along with a summary of the meeting) in the Town Report. Voters can then review what was discussed and the final budget. Then on March 4th, voters will have an opportunity to vote on the budget by Australian Ballot.
Where can I learn more? Who should I contact with quesitons?
Head to https://jerichovt.org/jericho-town-meeting-2-0 to learn more and reach out to Town Clerk Jessica Alexander (jerichovermont@yahoo.com) with questions and she'll point you in the right direction.
When can I review the draft budget? Read meeting documents here
MEETING MATERIALS (click on each title to see the document)
After the January 23rd meeting the SB will make revisions, if any are needed, and the final version of the proposed budget will be included in the Town Report (as in previous years) and mailed to all residents prior to the Australian ballot Election on March 4th. It will also be posted online.
Do I have to attend in person to participate?
You don't! Full participation is possible via Zoom. Volunteers will monitor the Zoom to ensure full speaking and voting by ALL attendees regardless of how they join.
The Zoom link will be posted on Join in Jericho in advance of the meeting.
Is the meeting on 1/23 the same as our old "Town Meeting"?
The January Draft Budget Discussion will look similar to our traditional town meeting. Discussion from the floor will occur and the SB will hear proposed edits to the draft from members of the public.
We will be voting on final budget approval via Australian ballot on March 4th.
Can I bring my kids? Click here to download coloring pages
Children are welcome at the Budget Discussion Meeting, January 23 at the MMU High School auditorium.
We will provide coloring supplies and other creative materials in a designated section of the auditorium. However, if bringing the whole family out on a Thursday night seems daunting, you can now participant in Town Meeting from home via Zoom!
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I thought we were voting by Australian Ballot?
In January we will be discussing and possibly choosing to amend a DRAFT budget as the almost last step before the select board finalizes the budget and presents it to voters in the Town Report, who will then vote for it via Australian Ballot on March 4th.
Do I need to sign up ahead of time to get the link to the meeting if I’m attending from home?
Registration is not required, but encouraged. It will help the organizers know how many people to expect and you’ll also send you the Zoom link, plus get reminders and up to date information beforehand. The Zoom link will be posted on this web page within 48 hours of the meeting.
Can my organization have a presence in the building during the event?
Reach out to Jessica Alexander (jerichovermont@yahoo.com) for more information about setting up an information table in the hallway at the school.
Can I raise a public question to be considered on the March ballot?
No. The deadline for submitting public questions will have passed by January 23. However, if the selectboard is presenting public questions, they may be discussed and possibly amended.
What if it needs to be rescheduled (we get a blizzard, etc.)?
The meeting will be postponed to January 27th if weather or other circumstances necessitate. This decision will be made at least 24 hours in advance and all people who have preregistered will be emailed. The announcement will also be posted on the website.
Read the Budget Documents Here
Click to view the budgets Jericho residents will be voting on in March 2025?
The following budgets will be voted on by Australian Ballot on March 4, 2025 at the Jericho polling site - MMU HS 211 Browns Trace
Read the Budget Documents here: