June 18 Planning Commission Meeting Summary
The PC met on June 18 with their consultant (Chris Sargent from DuBois & King) for the Commercial District project. They also heard from members of the Tri-Town Alternative Transportation Committee (TTATC) and spoke about the information they had received from other boards and committees about how the Commercial District could help meet their goals. The goal for the PC meeting was to wrap up the draft Master Plan and finalize the vision statement for the CD project.
The TTATC noted that they are looking for additional transit opportunities during the day. As they have been thinking about where to locate a park and ride, they see that the Commercial district would be an ideal spot.
Chris Sargent, presented a summary of his findings, which are as follows:
- People support connecting the village
- People want more recreational opportunities (paths, biking)
- General support for expansion (although this would likely shift with details)
- Support for mixed use
- Support for “small-scale commercial”
- Support light industrial
- Minimal support for heavy industrial
- Support for indoor/outdoor recreation
- Support for most commercial uses
- Support for retail (not chain retail)
- Objections to “formula retail”
- Support for housing (single and multi-family)
- No Junkyards
- Minimal support for dormitories or hostels
- People are generally ok with buildings under 18,000 sq feet.
- Over 18,000 sq feet and they are less interested.
- Support for protecting views
- Support for landscaping and screening
- No support for strip development