Town Plan Draft Version 4 (December 1, 2023)

On November 16, 2023 the Selectboard held its first public hearing date to hear further feedback on the plan. At this hearing, the Selectboard directed the consultant to prepare a final version of the plan to include the edits submitted by the Planning Commission and by the Affordable Housing Committee, which corrected errors and clarified text. The Selectboard then moved to schedule the second public hearing on the plan on December 19, 2023, 6:30pm.

The 2024 Jericho Town Plan has two parts - Volume 1, which focuses on the community’s vision for the future, the key issues and opportunities and the priorities for getting things done, and Volume 2, where you will find all the important background data and information about dozens of topics important to creating a plan for Jericho’s future.

The key issues and points raised in Volume 1 are backed-up with data and analysis that can be found under the respective subject heading in Volume 2 and are color coded in the same way so you can easily find your way around. Click each section to read the document.

The Planning Commission has prepared an Executive Summary of the new Town Plan, for those who want a brief overview of the new Town Plan. If you are short on time, want a quick snapshot, or need to decide if you should dig into more details, this Executive Summary is for you... SUMMARY

Volume 1

Volume 2



Statutory Consistency and Regional Compatibility

Appendix 2 (Outreach and Engagement)

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