Agriculture in Jericho/Food Hub Task Force
The Jericho Food Systems Group was formed as subcommittee of the Planning Commission in 2020 to ensure that farming and agribusiness enterprises remain relevant and viable in Jericho. Our goal is to engage the Ag community and make sure their needs are met through thoughtful planning and zoning regulations, including the preservation of agricultural lands whenever possible, and to encourage the Jericho community to support the local food economy .
The Jericho Food Hub Task Force was created in 2023 after a vote of support at Town Meeting.
“We the citizens of Jericho propose the formation of Jericho as a vital Food Hub for the citizens of its Town and environs. A Food Task Force will be established by the SelectBoard, with the goal of increasing food self-sufficiency via the production, manufacture and distribution of local food.”
The Jericho Food Systems Group was formed as subcommittee of the Planning Commission in 2020 to ensure that farming and agribusiness enterprises remain relevant and viable in Jericho. Our goal is to engage the Ag community and make sure their needs are met through thoughtful planning and zoning regulations, including the preservation of agricultural lands whenever possible, and to encourage the Jericho community to support the local food economy .
The Jericho Food Hub Task Force was created in 2023 after a vote of support at Town Meeting.
“We the citizens of Jericho propose the formation of Jericho as a vital Food Hub for the citizens of its Town and environs. A Food Task Force will be established by the SelectBoard, with the goal of increasing food self-sufficiency via the production, manufacture and distribution of local food.”
Farmer Forum April 12th
Food Hub Spring Workshops
Free Workshops Offered By The Jericho / Underhill Food Hub
The JUFH is a network of citizens supporting local foods, products and agriculture. We do volunteer work to educate about fresh food and how to grow it, improve local food access and distribution, market and publicize local foods and farms, grow foods for local food shelves, support value-added local food production, and strengthen community by celebrating local foods together.
- Raising Backyard Chickens with John Connell Saturday, March 1, 10-12 am; Greenmont Farm, 17 Krug Road, Underhill Center
- Cooking To Save On Food Costs with Sandy Wilmot Saturday, March 8, 10-12 am; United Church of Underhill kitchen, 7 Park St., Underhill
- Pruning Apple Trees with Ryan Ochs Saturday, March 15 at 10 am; Underhill Central School, Pleasant Valley Road, Underhill
- Seed Starting For Your Garden with John Koier Saturday, March 22 at 10 am; Chamberlins Farm, 100 River Road, Underhill
- Garden Tool Sharpening with John Connell Saturday, March 29 at 10 am; Greenmont Farm, 17 Krug Road, Underhill Center
- Make Your Own Yogurt with Ann Gnagey/Tom Barribault Saturday, April 5 at 10 am; United Church of Underhill kitchen, 7 Park St., Underhill
- Growing Blueberries with Lisa Hoare Saturday, April 12 at 10 am; Covered Bridge Blueberry Farm, 128 River Road, Underhill
- Grafting Your Own Apples with Spencer Hardy Saturday, April 19 at 10 am; The Farm Upstream, 100 Lee River Road, Jericho
Additional information is available on our Facebook Page (Jericho Underhill Food Hub), through Front Porch Forum Calendar, or contacting us at
Let us know if you plan to come so we can give you any additional details:
Climate Change and Food Production Discussion
On Monday Jan 27, from 6-7:30pm at the Jericho Community Center, Jericho resident Rosemary Rochford will present: Why a changing climate matters to our health.
There will be a brief background on climate science and how C02 level rise leads to global warming. A warming planet will have impacts on our health, both direct and indirect. A broad overview of these health effects will be given, followed by a discussion focused on food, food waste, and nutrition. Finally, thoughts on what are opportunities for adaptation and the hope in the future we can choose through our collective efforts.
Rosemary’s bio: I am Professor Emerita at the University of Colorado, Co-Director of the Colorado Consortium on Climate Change and Health and founding director of the University of Colorado Climate and Health Program
RSVP requested: send an email to
Food Hub Events
Community Brunch
On Sunday August 11 from 11am to 1pm while supplies last the Jericho-Underhill Food Hub is hosting a free Community Brunch featuring local farmers and food.
The menu will be blueberry pancakes, sausage, roasted potatoes and onions, green salad, blueberry lemonade and iced coffee. Most will be made using local ingredients.
The brunch will be held at the Covered Bridge Blueberry Farm at 128 River Road in Jericho.
Free will donations will be accepted.——————————JES Community Pizza BakeEach Tuesday through August will be the pizza community bake! Anyone and everyone is welcome to attend these bakes!
We have a couple items on our wish list:
1) an oversized cutting board (~2ft wide by 2 or 3 feet long), or a piece of scrap wood that could function as a cutting board
2) a big stump for splitting wood
If you feel called to get more involved in any way, please feel free email me and I can add you to the organizers email list.*This is a zero waste event, aka pack in, pack out. Please make sure to bring home anything that you brought that was not consumed! We do not provide plates or trash cans - only pizza!
*We will only cancel if there is sustained intense storms. Passing storms or steady rain will not shut us down. You can check the Jericho/Underhill Food Hub page for cancellation
The details:
When: Tuesdays in July and August from 5:30-7:30 PM (or until we run out) Rain or Shine!
Where: Jericho Elementary School outdoor oven (by the playground)
What to bring: a pizza topping (highly encouraged), an armful of wood for the oven, a cash donation, or just a hungry belly
What not to bring: Alcohol (school grounds) -
Farm to Plate Vermont - 2023 Annual Report
Food Hub Task Force - Year One Summary
Food Hub Task Force Updates
The Jericho Food Hub Task Force (JFHTF)is meeting monthly on the 4th Wednesday at the Jericho Community Library, 6pm. The team continues to move forward with several initiatives:- Gardens, agricultural lands in productive use - The JFHTF is looking to team up with the Mobbs Park Committee to investigate the possibility for a community garden at Mobbs Park, just off of Browns Trace Rd, near the town garage. Please join us for this planning.
- Commercial kitchens – JFHTF has been presented the opportunity to pursue a food hub facility at the old Mill building behind the Jericho Market. They are very early in this venture, but are looking for people interested in organizing around changing that building to a food hub and community center.
- Community Dinners – JFHTF is planning on starting community dinners in early 2024. These dinners will be once a month. It will be a free meal offered by the residents of Jericho, to the residents of Jericho and beyond. They are planning on including eating in, taking out, or delivery. Location TBD. Anyone interested in participating in a community dinner, please contact us. Contact the Jericho Food Hub Task Force by writing us an email to:
Food Hub Task Force Survey - Local Food
Please complete the survey below to indicate your thoughts and feelings about your eating and purchasing habits when it comes to local foods.
Our definition of local foods is: food grown (both vegetables, grains and meats) with in a state, region or within 50 miles of your table.
Take the survey here:
Food Hub Initiative Passes at Town Meeting
At Town Meeting, March 7, 2023, the Food Hub Initiative Passed. Stay tuned for more information as this initiative moves forward. If you would like to serve on this committee click here for an application.
Read the declaration below:
“We the citizens of Jericho propose the formation of Jericho as a vital Food Hub for the citizens of its Town and environs. A Food Task Force will be established by the SelectBoard, with the goal of increasing food self-sufficiency via the production, manufacture and distribution of local food.”
Farm Share Program 2023
The Farm Share Program provides fresh, local foods to Vermonters in need of financial assistance via half-priced CSA shares. When you sign up for a CSA at a farm, you pay in advance for a portion (or "share") of the farm's upcoming harvest and receive a regular box of farm-fresh food all season long. This sales model provides participants with consistent access to local, in-season food and provides predictable income for farmers.
We established the program for Vermonters to access more healthy, local food while ensuring farmers are fully compensated for their work. The program has grown from serving a dozen individual families and three farms in 1995 to over 500 Vermont families and more than 50 farms in 2022.
Please note the FAQs below to learn more about the program and find a CSA that appeals to you! Click here for a list of participating farms.
The Spring/Summer Farm Share 2023 application is open, Feb. 1 - March 31, 2023! Click here for the online application. Update 3/8/2023: Due to high demand, remaining funds for this program are currently limited. The application will remain open through March 31 for anyone who wishes to add their name to a waitlist. We will try to accommodate as many applicants as possible.
Signup Banner
Upcoming Meetings
Questions? Contact us
Town Administrator
Phone 802-899-2287 x101 Email
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Related Documents
Town Plan AGRICULTURE (35.8 KB) (pdf)
VT Agriculture and Food Systems Strategic Plan 2021-30 (139 KB) (pdf)
Jericho's Farming History (89.8 KB) (pdf)
Rooted in Vermont (3.6 MB) (pdf)
About Crop Cash (972 KB) (pdf)
Food Hub Information Sheet (361 KB) (pdf)
Jericho Food Hub report 2024 (120 KB) (pdf)
Farm-to-Plate-Annual-Report-2023-Final.pdf (5.78 MB) (pdf)
JU Food Hub Workshops 2025-2 (2).docx.pdf (78.6 KB) (pdf)