Bylaw Amendments

The Planning Commission is responsible for reviewing and recommending changes to Jericho's Land Use and Development Regulations. These are reviewed as amendments to bylaws. Click on the headings below to learn more about pending or past bylaw amendments.

DateProposed Bylaw Amendment (click title to read full description)
January 2025Residential DensityPending
December 2024Town Maintenance FacilityApproved by Selectboard on January 2, 2025

The Planning Commission is responsible for reviewing and recommending changes to Jericho's Land Use and Development Regulations. These are reviewed as amendments to bylaws. Click on the headings below to learn more about pending or past bylaw amendments.

DateProposed Bylaw Amendment (click title to read full description)
January 2025Residential DensityPending
December 2024Town Maintenance FacilityApproved by Selectboard on January 2, 2025

  • Bylaw Amendment: Residential Density

    Proposed Bylaw Amendment: Residential Density

    Pursuant to 24 V.S.A. § 4444, the Jericho Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, February 18, 2024, at 7pm in the Jericho Town Hall, 67 VT Route 15, Jericho, Vermont, to hear public comment regarding proposed amendments to the Jericho Land Use and Development Regulations.

    The Town is considering amending its Land Use and Development Regulations to change the residential density per minimum lot area by zoning district in four zones that allow residential use. The change will enable most building types allowed in each zone to be permitted on the minimum lot for each zone. Amendments are also proposed for sections related to calculating residential density for Planned Unit Developments, including updating residential density references to align with changes for number of residential units allowed in each zone and clarifying – but not changing - the process for calculating residential density.

    There are two sections of the regulations impacted by proposed amendments:

    • 5.6 Density – Changes to this section include replacing density allowances for single-family homes and duplexes that apply to the minimum lot size in all districts and with a table defining residential density as the number of dwelling units per minimum lot area in each zone. This change also makes density allowances easier to understand by replacing a text description with a table organized by zone district that is similar in format to regulations related to use and dimensional standards.

    • 10.13 Planned Unit Development – Changes to this section are limited to 10.13.7. Permitted Density. They include changes so this section is consistent with changes made in 5.6 Density. Other changes clarify the process for how residential density is calculated for a PUD by emphasizing that this is determined by number lots that meet the minimum lot size for a zone and number of units allowed per each lot.

    For more information, contact Chris Shaheen, Town Planner, at (802) 899-2287 x 103 or at

  • Bylaw Amendment: Town Maintenance Facility

    Pursuant to 24 V.S.A. § 4444, the Jericho Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, December 17, 2024, at 7pm in the Jericho Town Hall, 67 VT Route 15, Jericho, Vermont, to hear public comment regarding proposed amendments to the Jericho Land Use and Development Regulations.

    The Town of Jericho (Town) is considering amending its Land Use and Development Regulations to include “Town Garage/Maintenance Facility” as a conditional use in the Open Space District. The Town’s existing garage and maintenance facility is in an Open Space District where municipal facilities are not permitted. The purpose of the amendments is to allow the Town to continue providing adequate public services in an expanded facility at its current location.

    There are four proposed amendments:

    • Add definition of “Town Garage/Maintenance Facility”;
    • Add “Municipal Facility, Town Garage/Maintenance Facility” as a condition use in an Open Space and Commercial districts;
    • Add parking requirements for “Municipal Facility, Town Garage/Maintenance Facility”; and,
    • Add “Municipal Facility, Town Garage/Maintenance Facility” to the Table of Uses in the Riverside Character Based Zone as a use not permitted in that zone.

    Additional Information:

    For more information, contact Chris Shaheen, Town Planner, at (802) 899-2287 x 103 or at

Page last updated: 14 Feb 2025, 12:03 PM