Jericho BCA Guidelines for issuance of challenge letters developed in 2019

Every odd year, the Board of Civil Authority, BCA, is tasked with going through the Jericho Voter Checklist to confirm that all listed voters are qualified to vote in Jericho. For those that the board is unable to confirm residency, a challenge letter is sent with a return postage paid card for the voter to complete, sign and return. The postcard should be signed by the voter, not a family member. In 2019 the Jericho BCA came up with guidelines to systematically review names that required more information from the voter.

The procedure outlined below was taken from the August 29, 2019 BCA minutes.

BCA members expressed concern of going through the remaining voter names in a name by name fashion. During the discussion, some names were removed from the list because they were known to still be living in Jericho. Many of the remaining voter names were unknown to the BCA members. A systematic review approach was preferred. The below criteria was developed to review the remaining names.

Issuance of Challenge Letters

Challenge letters shall be issued to citizens on the Jericho voter checklist on a period basis. The issuance of challenges letters shall be based on the following criteria:

Any voter who has not voted in either of the previous two presidential elections will be issued a challenge letter.


Any voter who registered to vote prior to the previous two presidential elections and has not yet voted will be issued a challenge letter.


Any voter who meets either of the above criteria may be reviewed for cause at the request of a member of the Board of Civil Authority for the purpose of not issuing a challenge letter. If a majority of the members of the Board of Civil Authority agree with the exemption a challenge letter will not be sent.

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