Board of Civil Authority

The Jericho Board of Civil Authority consists of the following people: the Town Clerk, the three members of the Selectboard, and the twelve elected Justices of the Peace. In addition, for term February 1 2022 to February 1 2025 the Select Board has appointed BCA members Mary Coburn, Carol Gross and Dave Schuler to improve political party balance for election related duties. (click here to view the statue reference) Meetings of the board are called by the town clerk. This board is responsible for the following: to assist with the running of elections, to act as a

The Jericho Board of Civil Authority consists of the following people: the Town Clerk, the three members of the Selectboard, and the twelve elected Justices of the Peace. In addition, for term February 1 2022 to February 1 2025 the Select Board has appointed BCA members Mary Coburn, Carol Gross and Dave Schuler to improve political party balance for election related duties. (click here to view the statue reference) Meetings of the board are called by the town clerk. This board is responsible for the following: to assist with the running of elections, to act as a quasi-judicial board for grievances between taxpayers and Listers, and to maintain the voter checklist.


In the running of elections, the Town Clerk is the Presiding Officer. The members of the Board of Civil Authority assist with the smooth running of elections, and assist with the counting of ballots. Generally, at least three members of the Board of Civil Authority are present throughout the day at the polling place.

Tax Appeals

When a taxpayer has a grievance with the decision of the Board of Listers, the taxpayer can appeal to the Board of Civil Authority. The board acts as a quasi-judicial board hearing evidence from all parties involved, and renders a decision. Guidelines for appeals to the Board of Civil Authority, and the appropriate forms to be used can be found in the Property Valuation and Review’s “A Handbook on Property Tax Assessment Appeals”.

Voter Checklist

The board is responsible for reviewing all applications for addition to the checklist. Every two years the board must review the voter checklist and make a list of names of voters to be challenged.

  • How to Sign in to the May 28 2024 BCA meeting

    Topic: Board of Civil Authority

    Time: May 28, 2024 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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  • How to sign in to the March 25 2024 BCA meeting 6:30pm

    Topic: BCA March 25 2024

    Time: Mar 25, 2024 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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  • How to sign in to the February 16 2024 BCA meeting 6:30pm

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    Topic: February 16, 2024 BCA meeting

    Time: Feb 16, 2024 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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  • How to sign in to the December 14 2023 Board of Civil Authority Meeting

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    Board of Civil Authority will begin at 6pm , Board of Abatement to immediately follow @6:30pm same link

    Topic: BCA/BOA meeting

    Time: Dec 14, 2023 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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  • How to sign in to the August 18, 2023 10am BCA meeting

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    Topic: Board of Civil Authority

    Time: Aug 18, 2023 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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    Meeting ID: 850 8714 5394 Passcode: 387163

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    • +1 719 359 4580 US • +1 253 205 0468 US • +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) Meeting ID: 850 8714 5394 Passcode: 387163

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  • 2023 Jericho Checklist Challenge

    The Jericho Board of Civil Authority will be meeting this August to confirm that all registered voters in Jericho are still qualified to vote in Jericho. If you have recently moved within Vermont you can update your voter registration through the Secretary of State's "my voter page" If you have moved to Jericho, Vermont from another State, you can register to vote (click blue text) in Vermont through the Secretary of State's website or in person at the Jericho Town Hall. Voter registration also occurs when you apply for a Vermont Drivers license unless you opt out. The Town Clerk is currently preparing a list of voters for the Board of Civil Authority to review in August, 2023. Sometimes it is difficult to know if adults that are attending school are still using their parents, address as their voting address or if they have registered to vote in another state. The Town Clerk may contact you to ask about family members to help confirm if a challenge letter should be sent to the voter. There are also some voters on the Jericho Voter Checklist that do not have birthdate or Vermont Driver's License # information with their voter registration. These are generally voters who registered in Jericho prior to 1998 (before the Town had a computer). The birthdate and Vermont Driver's license information is kept confidential through the Vermont Election Management System but used as a unique identifier to prevent duplicate registration in more than one Vermont town.

  • Jericho BCA Guidelines for issuance of challenge letters developed in 2019

    Every odd year, the Board of Civil Authority, BCA, is tasked with going through the Jericho Voter Checklist to confirm that all listed voters are qualified to vote in Jericho. For those that the board is unable to confirm residency, a challenge letter is sent with a return postage paid card for the voter to complete, sign and return. The postcard should be signed by the voter, not a family member. In 2019 the Jericho BCA came up with guidelines to systematically review names that required more information from the voter.

    The procedure outlined below was taken from the August 29, 2019 BCA minutes.

    BCA members expressed concern of going through the remaining voter names in a name by name fashion. During the discussion, some names were removed from the list because they were known to still be living in Jericho. Many of the remaining voter names were unknown to the BCA members. A systematic review approach was preferred. The below criteria was developed to review the remaining names.

    Issuance of Challenge Letters

    Challenge letters shall be issued to citizens on the Jericho voter checklist on a period basis. The issuance of challenges letters shall be based on the following criteria:

    Any voter who has not voted in either of the previous two presidential elections will be issued a challenge letter.


    Any voter who registered to vote prior to the previous two presidential elections and has not yet voted will be issued a challenge letter.


    Any voter who meets either of the above criteria may be reviewed for cause at the request of a member of the Board of Civil Authority for the purpose of not issuing a challenge letter. If a majority of the members of the Board of Civil Authority agree with the exemption a challenge letter will not be sent.

  • How to sign in to the February 9, 2023 BCA meeting

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  • How to sign in to the October 27, 2022 Board of Civil Authority Meeting

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    Topic: Jericho Board of Civil Authority

    Time: Oct 27, 2022 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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    +1 386 347 5053 US

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    +1 719 359 4580 US

    Meeting ID: 873 0853 6064

    Passcode: 147094

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  • How to sign in to the July 25, 2022 7pm BCA meeting

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    Topic: Board of Civil Authority

    Time: Jul 25, 2022 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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    Meeting ID: 827 1652 2768

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    +1 386 347 5053 US

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Page last updated: 22 Jul 2024, 09:24 AM