Development Review Board

The Development Review Board is primarily responsible for reviewing development proposals, which include conditional uses, site plans, subdivisions, appeals of administrative decisions, and requests for waivers and variances.

Meetings are held on the second & fourth WEDNESDAYS at 7:00 pm (as needed) - Relevant materials for each hearing will be found in the DRB PROJECTS SECTION below

The Jericho Development Review Board has a one vacancy (alternate) open and is looking for interested residents to join their board. The DRB is responsible for reviewing development proposals which include conditional uses, site plans, subdivisions, appeals of administrative decisions etc. The Meetings

The Development Review Board is primarily responsible for reviewing development proposals, which include conditional uses, site plans, subdivisions, appeals of administrative decisions, and requests for waivers and variances.

Meetings are held on the second & fourth WEDNESDAYS at 7:00 pm (as needed) - Relevant materials for each hearing will be found in the DRB PROJECTS SECTION below

The Jericho Development Review Board has a one vacancy (alternate) open and is looking for interested residents to join their board. The DRB is responsible for reviewing development proposals which include conditional uses, site plans, subdivisions, appeals of administrative decisions etc. The Meetings are held on the second and fourth Wednesday of each Month at 7 pm.

If you are interested in joining the DRB please send your inquires to Paula Carrier at and cc Chris Flinn, Zoning Administrator at

Applications and checklists for the DRB are available to view and download on the Town Documents page under Zoning/Development Applications.

Planning and Zoning Documents, such as the Land Use Regulations, Zoning Map, the Town Plan and Public Works Specs are available to view and download on the Town Documents page under Planning and Zoning Documents.

Minutes of DRB meetings are posted online once approved. The Minutes from 2018 to present are posted on this web page. Copies of all previous Minutes are available in the Town Clerks office. Agendas will be posted as hearing applications are approved.

Warnings for the Development Review Board are publicly posted at least 15 days prior to the hearing; we will add them to the website as close to that timeline as possible.

Warnings will be posted on or at the following: the Jericho Post Office, the Jericho Market, the Jericho Town Hall, on this web page and on the project site.


Do you have a question about the Development Review Process?  Or anything about development in town?  Ask us here.

You need to be signed in to add your question.

  • A new house is being planned out to be built on Milo White Road. This 4 bedroom house includes a proposed a garage with a 1 bedroom accessory dwelling. Does a 1 bedroom accessory dwelling mean an "in-law" apartment? Can this dwelling or apartment be available to rent out? Are there architectural renderings / plans available to be viewed by the public? Proposed date for starting construction? Limited days and hours that construction is allowed (to reduce noise and traffic flow)? Are neighbors notified?

    Robert D asked about 3 years ago

    Robert - thank you for asking us your questions.  "Accessory Dwellings" are referred to  be several terms including "in-law" apartments. "Accessory Apartments", "Granny Flats", etc are some others. Our Zoning Regulations refer to them as Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU), and yes, they can be rented out.  I will refer you to the Jericho Zoning Administrator, Chris Flinn, who can answer specific questions regarding this specific ADU.  His email: and phone number 899-2287 (ext 103).  He is in the office on Monday, Wednesday and Thursdays.

  • 69 packard

    djpratt asked about 4 years ago

    Alright, I think that it is all fixed.  Please reply if it is not so.  Thank you for letting me know!

  • Trying to download plans for the Packard road development and it errors out as being not available.

    djpratt asked about 4 years ago

    Thanks for reaching out.  I'd be happy to fix the links. Can you tell me which Packard Road development you are talking about?  there are several uploaded on the site.  

  • Are sketch reviews available to look at prior to DRB meetings? I'm thinking specifically of the proposal for a contractor's yard at 261 Rte 15.

    VickiM asked over 5 years ago

    Thanks for your question.  We attempt to get the DRB agenda items up on the DRB page as quickly as possible. The other agenda item is up (55-57 VT RT 15) is up on the site under "DRB Projects".

    I believe that the 261 VT RT 15 application as been removed from the August 14 agenda. I don't know if it has been rescheduled.  The Zoning Administrator is out of the office this week and he is the one who manages the DRB applications. Check back in early next week, when the Zoning Administrator is back, and we'll have more answers for you.

    Katherine, Town Planner

Page last updated: 31 Mar 2025, 10:49 AM