Welcome to the Town of Jericho Elections Information Page
Here you can find the results of local and national elections, as well as information on how to vote in Jericho.
The polling location for Jericho is Mount Mansfield Union High School - 211 Browns Trace, 7am to 7pm
If you would like to request early/absentee ballots be mailed to your for the calendar year 2025, click on this Early/Absentee Ballot Request Form or after January 1st sign into the state's My Voter Page. You can also call to request a ballot or stop in to pick up yourContinue reading
Welcome to the Town of Jericho Elections Information Page
Here you can find the results of local and national elections, as well as information on how to vote in Jericho.
The polling location for Jericho is Mount Mansfield Union High School - 211 Browns Trace, 7am to 7pm
If you would like to request early/absentee ballots be mailed to your for the calendar year 2025, click on this Early/Absentee Ballot Request Form or after January 1st sign into the state's My Voter Page. You can also call to request a ballot or stop in to pick up your ballot at the Town Hall when they are available.
Election dates for 2025 include:
- Tuesday March 4, 2025 --Annual Town Meeting, all questions will be on the ballot (no in-person meeting) 7am to 7pm Mount Mansfield Union High School, 211 Browns Trace
Policy to Cover Polling Place Activities
Click here for Nominating Petition Form for Town Meeting 2025
This list includes the offices that will be on the March 4, 2025 Annual Town Meeting Ballot
- MODERATOR -- for one year,
- TOWN CLERK – for one year
- SELECT BOARD – for three years
- CEMETERY COMMISSIONER – for three years
- JERICHO - UNDERHILL PARK DISTRICT TRUSTEE -- for TWO years of an unexpired three year term
Candidates must:
- Sign a consent form and
- Turn in a nominating petition by Monday January 27th, 2025 5pm at the Jericho Town Clerk Office
Form must contain original signatures (wet, not electronic) of 30 registered Jericho voters
Voters can sign as many nominating petitions as they want to (no limit)
Important Jericho Election and Town Meeting Documents can be found on the Town Documents page.
Search under Election/Town Meeting Documents.
Click here for information regarding Vermont On-Line Voter Registration
The Vermont Secretary of State provides much more information about elections. Visit that website for more information.
Comparison of Total Town Meeting Ballots Cast 2016 to 2025
Election Results - March 5, 2025
Click on the link below to see the Election Results from the March 4th Town elections:
Sample Election Ballots - March 4, 2025
Running for Office
This list includes the offices that will be on the March 4, 2025 Annual Town Meeting Ballot
- MODERATOR -- for one year,
- TOWN CLERK – for one year
- SELECT BOARD – for three years
- CEMETERY COMMISSIONER – for three years
- JERICHO - UNDERHILL PARK DISTRICT TRUSTEE -- for TWO years of an unexpired three year term
Candidates must:
- Sign a consent form and
- Turn in a nominating petition by Monday January 27th, 2025 5pm at the Jericho Town Clerk Office
Form must contain original signatures (wet, not electronic) of 30 registered Jericho voters
Voters can sign as many nominating petitions as they want to (no limit)
Change of Address for Voter Registration
Voter registration updates: Some parents have let me know when a ballot was received at the Jericho mailing address and the child has either at a new mailing address at school or has moved from Jericho and registered to vote in another state. We sometimes receive notifications of voter registration transferring to another state, but not all the time. In order to remove a person's name from the Jericho Voter Checklist we need the voter's signature. We can mail a voter response card to the person that has moved or we can give a postage paid return postcard if you are going to see them over the holidays. Now is a good time (the calm after the November Election) to make corrections to the Jericho Voter Checklist. If you have a November Election ballot that was received at your address and the person no longer lives there 1. the ballot can be recycled, 2. let Jessica in the Town Clerk Office know, so that she can follow up with the voter. -
Jericho Election Results November 2024
Jericho elects 12 Justices of the Peace on even years in November. The JP's serve a 2 year term starting the following Feb 1st of the odd year. The official results show the candidate results as well as people who received more than one write-in vote. The following pages are from election night which show the additional 58 single write-in votes.
RETURNING Early Ballot/Voting at the Polls
Be sure to use black pen when marking the ballot, felt tip pen works best (sharpie does not work well because it bleeds through the paper), Be sure to sign the certificate envelope and place your ballot inside, Be sure to note that the ballot is 2-sided, It is OK to leave a race blank, that tabulator will count all races that you mark. Be sure to look at the vote for no more than number specified : example State Representative "vote for no more than two", Justice of the Peace "vote for no more than twelve" --- it is OK to vote for less than that but make sure you don't vote for more.
Monday November 4th the Town Clerk Office will be open 8am to 4pm. 4pm on Monday is the deadline to request an early ballot
Returning an early ballot: If you are returning an early ballot to Jericho Town Hall, the outside drop box to the left of the front door is the Official Ballot Drop Box for Jericho voters. The dropbox is available 24/7 until it closes on Monday November 4th, 4pm. If you plan on voting early, it is helpful to drop off the ballot over the weekend so that we have time to process the ballot as returned in the Vermont Election Management System. This way when we print the checklist Monday evening the your name will be pre-checked off for the poll workers on election day. (If you used the smaller black drop box at the base of the stairs, instead of the "Official Ballot Drop Box" to the left of the door, we still got your ballot.)
Ballots can also be returned via the Official Ballot Drop Box until 4pm on Monday November 4th. If your ballot does not make it to the drop box by Monday at 4pm, anyone can bring it back for you at the polls (Mount Mansfield Union High School) on Tuesday November 5th. If someone else is returning your ballot at the polls on election day, you will need to seal it in the certificate envelope and sign the certificate envelope. All ballots received by Tuesday November 5th 7pm will be counted.
We will continue to check the mail, including election day, for returned ballots.
If you plan to vote in person on election day, we will be at Mt Mansfield Union High School 7am to 7pm. School is not in session so parking in the front lot is fine. The best possible scenario is to bring the ballot that was mailed to you.
* If you have already marked your ballot, you can check in at the entrance table and then go straight to the vote tabulator to cast your ballot.
*If you still need to mark your ballot after you check in at the entrance table, you can fill out the ballot in a voting booth and then go to the vote tabulator to cast your ballot.
*If you have the ballot that was mailed to you, but you made a mistake and want a new ballot, you can return the first ballot at the entrance check in and receive a second ballot. (You can get a new ballot up to 3 times)
* If you don't have the ballot that was mailed to you, then you will need to fill out an affidavit. We will have the affidavit at the polling place. Once you sign the affidavit, a second ballot will be issued to you. (This is also true for voters that registered to vote in Jericho after September 3rd that transferred their voter registration from another Vermont town.)
Mount Mansfield Union High School, 211 Browns Trace is the polling place for Jericho voters. The polls will be open from 7am to 7pm on Tuesday November 5th.
If you want to track the status of your early/absentee ballot go to mvp.vermont.gov also know as "My Voter Page"
There are currently 2 returned ballots marked as returned defective and "My Voter Page" will tell you how to "cure" the ballot. These are 2 residents that I did not have a phone or email contact so a post card was mailed to you with directions how to cure it.
We have also received 6 ballots back (3 in drop box and 3 by mail) that were in the outside mailing envelope but the inside certificate envelope was not there. There was no return address on the outside mailer so we have no way to know who the ballot came from. These were received between October 15 and October 26. So if you check the status of your absentee ballot on line and it show that it is not returned, this may be you. Another hint would be if you found the certificate envelope at home after you returned your ballot. As of November 1st, all returned ballots through November 1st will show as returned (2,111 RETURNED so far). This will be updated throughout the weekend.
Here is a link to track state wide to check on the return of early ballots (% returned of each Town's checklist) https://ccn-election-map-2024.netlify.app/
At the Center for Research on Vermont, this ballot tracker was put together to show absentee ballots returned – updated to reflect new numbers every time the Sec of State sends out their updates.
Sample Affidavit of No Vote Cast
Affidavit of No Ballot Cast This affidavit may be given to voters who have been issued a ballot but who have not returned that ballot or otherwise cast a ballot in this election, and did not bring the ballot that was issued to them to the polling place, before they are provided a ballot and permitted to vote.
I, , do hereby swear/affirm that I have not returned any ballot previously issued to me, nor have I otherwise cast a ballot in the: (Election Name and Date) Subscribed and sworn to this day of , . (Month) (Year) (Signature of Voter)
13 V.S.A. §2901 – Punishment for perjury: “A person who, being lawfully required to depose the truth in a proceeding in a court of justice, commits perjury shall be imprisoned not more than fifteen years and fined not more than $10,000.00, or both.” 17 V.S.A. §1971 – “A legal voter who knowingly casts more than one ballot at any one time of balloting for the same office shall be fined not more than $1,000.00 if the offense is committed at a primary or general election, and not more than $100.00 if committed at a local election.”
Early Voting Updates
All active Jericho voters that were registered in Jericho prior to September 3rd should have received a ballot in the mail. If you have not received a ballot, and would like to vote early or have a ballot mailed to you there a couple of options:1. Election mail is not forwarded, so if you think you have an old mailing address on file with the town, email me an updated mailing address and I can send you the ballot that was mailed originally to your old address. This applies to those who used to have a Jericho Center Post Office Box and did not update their address with the Town Clerk Office prior to September 3rd. These undeliverable ballots were returned to the Jericho Town Clerk Office and I can mail them out with the new address if I receive it from you. If you moved within Jericho, the same scenario applies.2. If you moved to Jericho from another Vermont Town, you will need to fill out an affidavit that you are not voting the ballot that was mailed to you in the Statewide mailing. For those who registered to vote in Jericho after September 3rd, I have mailed you that affidavit along with confirmation that you are registered to vote in Jericho.3. If you received a ballot at your home for a student that it is away at college, it is OK to mail it to them or you can bring it back to the Jericho Town Office for us to mail it to them if you supply their temporary mailing address. If the student it is overseas, you can bring the ballot back to the Jericho Town Clerk Office and a ballot can be emailed to them through the Vermont Election Management System. (They will then need to print it off and mail it back.)4. If you received a ballot addressed to someone who used to live at your address, let me know. This is more common in rental housing situations. The ballot can either be torn in half and recycled or you can bring it to the Jericho Town Clerk Office. If you place it in the lower black drop off box with a note on it, I can mark it as undeliverable in the Vermont Election Management System. -
Thinking of Running for Office ?
CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.This list includes the offices that will be on the March 4, 2025 Annual Town Meeting Ballot
MODERATOR -- for one year,
TOWN CLERK – for one year
SELECT BOARD – for three years
MT MANSFIELD UNIFIED UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS – for three years, # of positions open still to be determined
candidates must sign a consent form and turn in a nominating petition by Monday January 27th, 2025 5pm at the Jericho Town Clerk Office
must contain original signatures (wet, not electronic) of 30 registered Jericho voters
voters can sign as many nominating petitions as they want to (no limit)
August 2024 Vermont Primary Results
Follow Project
August 2024 Primary Voting
Contact information
Jessica Alexander
Town Clerk
email: jerichovermont@yahoo.com
phone: (802) 899-4936 x 1
Megan Davis
Assistant Town Clerk
Jericho Town Clerk's Office
PO Box 67
Jericho, VT 05465