
The Selectboard meets on the first and third Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm.

Meetings are in a hybrid format (at Town Hall and on Zoom) and are recorded by MMCTV.

Information about how to participate in their meetings may be found on each agenda. Recordings can be found on the right side of this page.

The three elected members of the Selectboard are responsible for overall town operations. The current chair is Catherine McMains. In the event that the acting Chair is not present at a meeting, the immediate previous Chair will fill the role.

The Selectboard meets on the first and third Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm.

Meetings are in a hybrid format (at Town Hall and on Zoom) and are recorded by MMCTV.

Information about how to participate in their meetings may be found on each agenda. Recordings can be found on the right side of this page.

The three elected members of the Selectboard are responsible for overall town operations. The current chair is Catherine McMains. In the event that the acting Chair is not present at a meeting, the immediate previous Chair will fill the role.

  • Information Public Hearing on FY26 Budget



    FY 26 BUDGET

    On Thursday, February 20, 2025, at 6:00 PM, the Town of Jericho Selectboard will hold a public hearing on the proposed FY 2026 Budget. The hearing will take place at the Jericho Town Hall, located at 67 VT Route 15, Jericho, Vermont or on Zoom.

    Topic: Jericho Selectboard Meeting

    Time: Feb 20, 2025 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 891 3474 1571 Passcode: 419831

    The public is encouraged to attend and participate in the review of the proposed budget. Copies of the budget are available from the Town Administrator's office between 8:00 AM and 3:30 PM or can be accessed online at or below:

    Read the Budget Documents here:

  • FY26 Budget Discussion Timeline - Tentative Dates

  • New Town Administrator and Assistant Administrator

    The Jericho Selectboard is pleased to announce two changes to our municipal staff that will take effect on July 1. Paula Carrier who has been serving as the Interim Town Administrator has accepted the permanent Town Administrator position and Town Planner, Linda Blasch, has accepted a new role as Assistant Town Administrator

    Paula has worked for the Town of Jericho for over 18 years, including two years as Assistant Town Clerk, two previous terms as Interim Town Administrator, three years as Assistant Town Administrator and eleven years as Administrative Assistant. Paula's depth of knowledge and experience with all of Jericho's municipal departments, her willingness to take initiative, and her ability to follow through make her ideal for this role. She understands what needs to be done and provides consistent, reliable, and approachable leadership to Jericho. In this new role, she will support the Selectboard, implement policies and projects on their behalf, and oversee all municipal departments and operations.

    Linda Blasch has been the Town Planner for the past year and a half and in that short period of time she has worked with the Planning Commission and members of our community to update the Town Plan and advanced multiple high priority projects for the town. In that time, she has also brought in over $700,000 in grant funding. Linda has over 15 years of experience working in state and regional government organizations which has been invaluable to her work in Jericho. She holds certifications from the American Planners Association and recently obtained certification in Practical Project Management from the University of Vermont. As Assistant Town Administrator, she will assist Paula with day-to-day municipal functions and manage a combination of grants and projects.

    Please join us in congratulating Linda and Paula on their new roles! Their dedication to the town and hard work will continue to move Jericho forward.

    The SelectBoard: Catherine McMains, Erik Johnson, Peter Booth

  • Jericho's Vision, Goals and Priorities

  • Jericho Housing Resolution Adopted by Selectboard

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    The Selectboard recently adopted a Housing Resolution for Jericho. Signing the resolution is an acknowledgement of the town's need for more diverse housing options - affordable, missing-middle, small - and a commitment to creating the conditions which will allow this type of housing to be built. The resolution encourages development within the designated growth areas of Jericho in order to reduce sprawl and protect natural areas. Click here to read the entire resolution: HOUSING RESOLUTION DOCUMENT

  • Landfill/Mobbs Solar Project

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
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    The Selectboard is working with Encore Renewable Energy on a solar project on the Town Landfill. The Selectboard discussed this item as it relates to trails on the Mobbs Farm at their April 18 meeting. Below is a link to the map that shows the solar field as well as the trails.

    Landfill/Mobbs Solar Project Map with Trails

Page last updated: 26 Mar 2025, 09:40 AM