August 2020 Primary

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

Click here for the August 2020 Election Results

As of June 26th, 9 early ballots for the August 11 State Primary were emailed to Jericho Voters Overseas.
As of July 2, 2020 we started mailing ballots to requests that were received prior to June 30th (236)

On Monday July 6th we will mail out all requests received between July 1 and July 5th. (53)

As of July 17th, we have issued 975 early ballots with 175 of those already returned.

As of August 5th we have issued over 1900 ballots

Absentee ballot requests:

The best way to obtain a ballot for the August 11, 2020 is by mail. This year postage is being provided both ways, so please take advantage of this if you can. There will be polling hours at Mount Mansfield Union High School on election day for those who are not able to take advantage of the early voting but it will be longer process this year due to the safety precautions we will need to take at the polls. If you wish to request an early ballot we will be here 8 to 5 on Thursday August 6 and Monday August 10th. Monday 5pm is the deadline to request an early ballot.

We strongly encourage you to vote by mail for the August 11th State Primary. Every active Jericho Voter will receive a November ballot by mail mid-September. If you mailed in a postcard request form for August that was helpful to confirm your mailing address. If you did not receive a postcard from the Secretary of State's office the last week of June, check with the Town Office to be sure we have your correct mailing address in the Vermont Election Management System. You can do this by going to my voter page or calling me at the Town Hall before the end of August. Click HERE to view to official Primary Election Warning.

Click on the image below to view the sample ballots for the Republican, Democratic, and Progressive parties for the August 11th State Primary Election. Please note one of the ballots is double sided.

If you wish to request an absentee ballot for the August 11 State Primary or November 3 Presidential Election you can fill out the request form or call 899-4936 x1 (or if you press ext 100 you do not need to listen to the long Town Clerk message). You do not need a reason to request an early/absentee ballot in Vermont. State Primary Election Ballots are available now. We should receive the November 3rd ballots mid-September.

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