Mobbs Farm Committee Updates - January 2025


  1. Snow Dog Groomer, piloted by Dan and Christine Smith, has been hitting the trails.
  2. The MFC is hoping to host community bonfires later this winter.
  3. Keep an eye out for posting(s) on Front Porch Forum and our FB page.
  4. We will be working with Jericho's Tree Warden, Don Tobi, on plans to cut down over 100 white ash trees to thwart the spread of the Emerald Ash Borer.
  5. Plans to construct a new driveway into the Browns Trace Lot are ongoing.
  6. The committee has been soliciting feedback for the updated Mobbs Farm Management Plan and will continue to do so at the "Town Meeting re-envisioned" event on Jan. 23rd.
  7. With the pending arrival of this third child, George Bennum has stepped down from his position on the committee. He will be sorely missed. With his resignation, the MFC is seeking interested candidates to fill his recently vacated position. If you are interested in serving on the Mobbs Committee please fill out our Town Committee Application Form HERE.
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