Emerald Ash Borer Q&A Meeting

It is likely that you have heard the drone of woodchipping work in your respective neighborhoods being undertaken on behalf of Green Mountain Power. Perhaps you have additional concerns about what you should be doing with your own ash trees or why this activity is taking place along some Rights-of-Way but not others. On Wednesday, April 28th from 7-8 pm the Jericho Conservation Commission (CC) will host a virtual Q and A to provide facts and current science behind recommendations for the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) infestation. Join with our panel of experts, including representatives of GMP and the Vermont Urban and Community Forestry Department for this informative session.
There will be a short overview presentation of EAB and then we will turn it over to the public for questions. The panel will be able to answer questions about Ash trees in your yards, roadsides, and woods. Please join us and share what you have learned with neighbors and friends.
If you have questions you would like to submit in advance please send them to CC member, Sabina Ernst (beanvet@gmail.com). The recording will be posted on the CC page of the Jericho website for future reference.
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Meeting ID: 825 2102 6799
Passcode: 578331
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Meeting ID: 825 2102 6799
Passcode: 578331