Pollinator Pathway

The Jericho Conservation Commission presents Bethany Barry and Fran Putnam with Pollinator Pathway of Addison County to share their experience creating and maintaining places for pollinators — butterflies, bees and other insects -- in their community. Are you interested in improving pollinator habitat in your home garden or community space? Can we create a multi-town pollinator pathway in eastern Chittenden County? Regional conservation commission members and anyone with an interest in creating pollinator habitat are welcome to attend. The program will be a slide presentation with discussion on how the Pollinator Pathway group was created and plenty of examples of planting choices for both home gardens and meadows.

To join the meeting via Zoom, please email program_assistant@drml.org for the link.

When: Monday, June 24, from 7 - 8:30 p.m.

Where: Deborah Rawson Memorial Library, 8 River Road, Jericho, VT

Please RSVP to info@jerichovt.gov if you are planning to attend. There will be door prizes! We hope to see you there.

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