December 18 - Summary PC Meeting

The Planning Commission met on December 18.
They discussed the following items:
- As has become the custom, the PC members reported back on any of their communication with other Town boards and committees. Wendy met with the Jericho Energy Task Force the previous evening to discuss Energy chapter of the Town Plan. Edits are progressing with the help of the Regional Planning Commission (CCRPC). Jason reported that he, Susan and Chris all attended the December 13 DRB meeting to observe. Susan noted that an impact study is going to be required for one of the DRB projects, on the recommendation of the Conservation Committee.
- The PC briefly discussed the Commercial District project. The project Advisory Committee had met the previous night and Chris Sargent (the consultant) had delivered a sizable package including the Commercial District land owner's vision and a draft master plan. More information on that project can be viewed on the Commercial District page.
- The PC continued their discussion on their public engagement "bucket list," which is geared towards how to get information and input from Jericho residents on the Commercial District project. Heads up - more information about how you can engage in the process is upcoming!
- The PC wrapped up their review of Accessory Apartments, with the aim of AAs providing affordable housing. The draft document may be viewed here.
Please feel free to leave any comments here on this meeting and topics. The MMCTV video may be viewed on the right sidebar.
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