Planning Commission Meeting Summary - November 19

The Planning Commission met on Tuesday November 19th.
The PC discussed what their focus should be (outside of the Commercial district project). They began their discussion with a quick presentation on Why Jericho should have a Town Plan.
Then, to move the discussion further on what to work on next, they looked at the implementation tasks from the Town Plan as well as on comments they have heard from community members over the last few years.
They also discussed the process for renaming the Commercial district based on the new vision statement agreed upon in the Commercial District Master Plan, which was finalized in August of this year. This is the vision statement:
“A Commercial District that creates a valuable connection between Jericho Corners and Riverside Village; providing a location for mixed-use development and expanded commerce at an appropriate scale for the community which preserves rural character, the natural beauty of the landscape and distant views.”
Do you any ideas for a new name for the district? If so, come an suggest them or leave a comment here. Additionally, soon the PC will have a survey up on the Commercial district page where you can vote on which name you like best. Stay tuned!
If you were unable to attend, the minutes will be posted on this website following the meeting and the MMCTV video will also be linked on this page.