Jericho Energy Task Force

The Jericho Energy Task Force is a volunteer committee in charge of tackling energy-related projects within the Jericho community, including energy efficiency, transportation, and renewable energy.

Meetings take place on the 3rd Monday of each month at 7pm. Scroll down to see news and updates.

Have a home energy question for the JETF? Use our new Q and A tool by clicking the "Ask the JETF" tab below...

Jericho's energy use is shown on our page of the
Community Energy Dashboard.

To learn more about the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission's energy efforts, CLICK HERE.

The Jericho Energy Task Force is a volunteer committee in charge of tackling energy-related projects within the Jericho community, including energy efficiency, transportation, and renewable energy.

Meetings take place on the 3rd Monday of each month at 7pm. Scroll down to see news and updates.

Have a home energy question for the JETF? Use our new Q and A tool by clicking the "Ask the JETF" tab below...

Jericho's energy use is shown on our page of the
Community Energy Dashboard.

To learn more about the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission's energy efforts, CLICK HERE.

Ask the Energy Task Force

The Energy Task Force is here to answer your questions about residential solar, heat pumps, e-vehicles, and home efficiency. Please allow 1-2 days for a response.

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  • Hi, I'm interested in getting involved with the JETF. I'm wondering who would be a good person to talk to! Best, David Rosales

    davidwilliamrosales asked 6 months ago

    Thanks for your inquiry! Anyone who is interested in being part of the Task Force is encouraged to attend one of our meetings - held on the Third Monday of each month.  The Zoom link will be in the agenda once it is posted on this web page. 

    To reach the chair directly email: Catherine McMains

  • Could you please respond to the Front Page Forum posting (Jan 23) that included a summary of the movie being shown by the Jericho Energy Task Force? Was the narrative posted that of the Film Maker (Oliver Stone & Company), or Abbey Heimlich ( DRL Librarian) or that of the Jericho Energy Task Force? I appeared that this movie summary narrative was super charged with a specific political agenda vs one to gather ones own opinion. I thought the JETF was to remain somewhat politically neutral ?

    Robert D asked 8 months ago

    Thanks for your question. The summary presented by the library is from the movie website. The JETF takes no stand on the pros or cons of nuclear energy.

  • Hello, I am the VT Program Manager for WindowDressers. A resident of Jericho (Ashwinee Kulkarni) reached out recently regarding our program. I have sent info regarding the program and had a discussion with her. Many Energy Committees in VT have taken on the WindowDressers program as a project nd I wondered if this is something that JETF may consider. I would be happy to present at a meeting in the future if that is a possibility. Please let me know if there is any interest in learning more. Thanks for your consideration.

    Allison Pouliot asked 10 months ago

    Thank you for reaching out to us. We discussed participating in the Window Dressings program at our November meeting and would welcome the opportunity to have you speak at one of our upcoming meetings.  Please reach out to the committee chair, Catherine McMains, to find a date for a presentation.

Page last updated: 12 Sep 2024, 12:43 PM