Current Town Newsletter

Scroll down to read the current Town of Jericho Newsletter.

The newsletter is published on the first and third Sunday of the month and gets sent via email to all registered participants on JIJ.

If you would like the newsletter delivered directly to your inbox twice a month click here and register.

Scroll down to read the current Town of Jericho Newsletter.

The newsletter is published on the first and third Sunday of the month and gets sent via email to all registered participants on JIJ.

If you would like the newsletter delivered directly to your inbox twice a month click here and register.

  • Newsletter - June 16, 2024

    Jericho, Vermont - Updates and Upcoming Meetings/Events

    Here are some updates that might interest you.


    The Jericho Selectboard is pleased to announce two changes to our municipal staff that will take effect on July 1. Paula Carrier who has been serving as the Interim Town Administrator has accepted the permanent Town Administrator position and Town Planner, Linda Blasch, has accepted a new role as Assistant Town Administrator. Read more here:

    Planning Commission:

    At the June 18th meeting the Planning Commission will continue their discussion of zoning updates for the village centers with Bylaw Modernization Grant consultant, David White. The public is invited to attend.

    Town Clerk:

    There are still 130 dog registrations which have not been updated. Please make sure your dog's rabies vaccine is current and register with the Town in person or online.

    Absentee ballots for the Vermont primary will be available at the end of June.

    Conservation Commission:

    Join the Jericho Conservation Commission on June 24th for a presentation by Bethany Barry and Fran Putnam with Pollinator Pathway of Addison County. They will share their experience creating and maintaining places for pollinators — butterflies, bees and other insects -- in their community and give examples of how to create pollinator habitat in home gardens and meadows. Read more:

    Community Booth at the Farmers' Market:

    The Jericho Farmers' Market takes place on Thursdays from 3-6:30pm at Mills Riverside Park.

    • The Food Hub will be at the Community Booth at the Farmers' Market on June 20th. We encourage you to stop by and talk with the Food Hub team about what kind of activities we are doing this Summer and learn how you can participate. Don't forget to ask for the new farmer's resource list, so you can take advantage of it.
    • Jericho's Affordable Housing Committee will be at the Community Booth at the Farmers' Market on June 27th. Have questions about ADUs? Want to learn about how some HOA covenants or Community Associations include restrictions that limit economic and sociodemographic diversity and what to do about it? Just want to talk zoning regulations and town wastewater feasibility? We will also have a representative from HomeShare Vermont at the table to describe the program and making compatible matches for the past 42 years using their screening and matching process. Stop by and say hi

    Reimagining Town Meeting Task Force:

    At the request of the Selectboard the Town Meeting Reimagined Task Force has been designing a plan to provide 1) more meaningful public input than the Selectboard usually receives before they vote to accept the proposed budget, and 2) more community involvement in the development of public questions as well. The Task Force was charged with paying particular attention to improving access to the public-input process for all citizens in the town while working within the state-imposed constraints on meeting and voting statutes. Read updates from the task force here:

    Art in Town Hall:

    Stop by Town Hall during business hours to view the current exhibit, "Bridges", which features local artists' interpretations of the theme from actual to abstract and is on display through August.


    This month we feature acting Town Administrator (and now soon-to-be Town Administrator), Paula Carrier. Click here to read more:

    Upcoming Meetings:

    Third Monday: Jericho Energy Task Force:

    Third Tuesday: Planning Commission:

    Third Wednesday: Conservation Commission:

    Third Thursday: Selectboard:

    Fourth Monday: Mobbs Farm Committee:

    Fourth Wednesday: Jericho Food Hub Task Force:

    Fourth Wednesday (as needed): Development Review Board:

    Fourth Thursday: Jericho Community Development Corporation:

    Missed a meeting? MMCCTV records and posts videos of our Selectboard, Planning Commission, DRB, and Affordable Housing Committee Meetings. To view past meetings click on the MMCCTV button, which can be found on the right side of each respective JIJ committee web page, and watch recordings on the MMCCTV YouTube page.

    Thank you for being part of Join In Jericho. We look forward to having your input on our projects. Click here to leave feedback or make suggestions or at any time by scrolling down to the "ideas" section on the Home page.

    Kind regards,

    Jericho, Vermont

Page last updated: 16 Jun 2024, 06:54 AM