Current Town Newsletter
Scroll down to read the current Town of Jericho Newsletter.
The newsletter is published on the first and third Sunday of the month and gets sent via email to all registered participants on JIJ.
If you would like the newsletter delivered directly to your inbox twice a month click here and register.
Scroll down to read the current Town of Jericho Newsletter.
The newsletter is published on the first and third Sunday of the month and gets sent via email to all registered participants on JIJ.
If you would like the newsletter delivered directly to your inbox twice a month click here and register.
Newsletter - August 18, 2024
Jericho, Vermont - Updates and Upcoming Meetings/Events
Here are some updates that might interest you. Remember to scroll all the way down to see the complete post.
Planning Commission:
At the August 20th meeting the Planning Commission will continue their discussion of zoning updates for the village centers. The public is invited to attend. We will also be at the Farmers’ Market Community Booth on August 29th.
Town Clerk:
Election results from the August Primary can be found on the elections page:
Additional election results can be found here:
Town Meeting Reimagined:
Remember last year's Town Meeting, where Jericho residents approved moving to an Australian Ballot for our budget vote and other issues and calling for a hybrid-format meeting in advance to prepare for the vote? A group of Jericho residents has been planning what that could look like and NOW JERICHO NEEDS YOUR INVOLVEMENT! The Task Force is ready to put together a team of Jericho residents to organize and lead the first meeting, which we are calling the Kick-Off Meeting. Interested in helping? Get details here: Town Meeting Reimagined
Jericho Energy Task Force:
The Energy Task force is looking for new members. If you are interested in climate/energy/sustainability issues as they relate to Jericho and would like to serve on the committee please reach out to committee chair Catherine McMains or attend a meeting held on the third Monday of each month. Get details here:
Art in Town Hall:
Stop by Town Hall during business hours to view the current exhibit, "Bridges" (through August 27) . Registration forms for the next exhibit “Small Wonders” are due August 23.
Town wide Reappraisal Process:
The Town of Jericho has decided to reappraise all property in the Town for the 2026 Grand List. The goal of any reappraisal is to create fairness. Similar homes should have similar assessments. Similar market values should have similar assessments. Additional details from the Lister's/Assessor's Office will be posted soon:
This month we feature Conservation Commission member, Karina Dailey. Click here to read more:
Upcoming Committee Meetings:
Third Monday: Jericho Energy Task Force:
Third Tuesday: Planning Commission:
Third Wednesday: Conservation Commission:
Third Thursday: Selectboard:
Fourth Monday: Mobbs Farm Committee:
Fourth Wednesday: Jericho Food Hub Task Force:
Fourth Wednesday (as needed): Development Review Board:
Fourth Thursday: Jericho Community Development Corporation:
Missed a meeting? MMCCTV records and posts videos of our Selectboard, Planning Commission, DRB, and Affordable Housing Committee Meetings. To view past meetings click on the MMCCTV button, which can be found on the right side of each respective JIJ committee web page, and watch recordings on the MMCCTV YouTube page.
Thank you for being part of Join In Jericho. We look forward to having your input on our projects. Click here to leave feedback or make suggestions or at any time by scrolling down to the "ideas" section on the Home page.
Kind regards,
Jericho, Vermont