Development Review Board

The Development Review Board is primarily responsible for reviewing development proposals, which include conditional uses, site plans, subdivisions, appeals of administrative decisions, and requests for waivers and variances.
Meetings are held on the second & fourth WEDNESDAYS at 7:00 pm (as needed) - Relevant materials for each hearing will be found in the DRB PROJECTS SECTION below
The Jericho Development Review Board has a one vacancy (alternate) open and is looking for interested residents to join their board. The DRB is responsible for reviewing development proposals which include conditional uses, site plans, subdivisions, appeals of administrative decisions etc. The MeetingsContinue reading
The Development Review Board is primarily responsible for reviewing development proposals, which include conditional uses, site plans, subdivisions, appeals of administrative decisions, and requests for waivers and variances.
Meetings are held on the second & fourth WEDNESDAYS at 7:00 pm (as needed) - Relevant materials for each hearing will be found in the DRB PROJECTS SECTION below
The Jericho Development Review Board has a one vacancy (alternate) open and is looking for interested residents to join their board. The DRB is responsible for reviewing development proposals which include conditional uses, site plans, subdivisions, appeals of administrative decisions etc. The Meetings are held on the second and fourth Wednesday of each Month at 7 pm.
If you are interested in joining the DRB please send your inquires to Paula Carrier at and cc Chris Flinn, Zoning Administrator at
Applications and checklists for the DRB are available to view and download on the Town Documents page under Zoning/Development Applications.
Planning and Zoning Documents, such as the Land Use Regulations, Zoning Map, the Town Plan and Public Works Specs are available to view and download on the Town Documents page under Planning and Zoning Documents.
Minutes of DRB meetings are posted online once approved. The Minutes from 2018 to present are posted on this web page. Copies of all previous Minutes are available in the Town Clerks office. Agendas will be posted as hearing applications are approved.
Warnings for the Development Review Board are publicly posted at least 15 days prior to the hearing; we will add them to the website as close to that timeline as possible.
Warnings will be posted on or at the following: the Jericho Post Office, the Jericho Market, the Jericho Town Hall, on this web page and on the project site.
32 Tarbox Road Conditional Use Review, accessory apartment
The owner-occupant of 32 Tarbox Road is requesting approval for the construction of a detached 1-bedroom accessory apartment to be built on the property within the setbacks required by the town. The apartment will have a floor area no greater than 750 sq ft and utilize existing structures: driveway, parking area, electricity meter, private well. The apartment will require a new 2-bedroom septic system (wastewater permit & septic design are underway via Willis Design Assoc., Inc.) and be designed to match the aesthetics of the existing home and landscape.
Application items are below for review
44 Raceway Road Sketch Plan Application
This application will be heard by the DRB on December 13.
The applicant is proposing to subdivide 147 acres into two lots one of 107 acers and one of 40 acres. The 107 acre parcel will remain as an open agricultural parcel and the 40 acre parcel will be developed into a 3 duplex residential PUD. The property is located within the RAR.
This parcel was subject to a proposed PUD development that was approved and then withdrawn by the applicant. The previous approval contemplated and density bonus request as well as an age restriction for its residences. This application is not requesting any special considerations or implementing any type of restrictions.
The following information is associated with this application:
16 River Road Site Plan Application
This application will go before the DRB on December 13.
The applicant is proposing to construct a 6,145 sq.ft. dance studio structure for their business. Currently the property houses a single family residence which will be removed. The property is located within the Village Center Zoning District and is not in the Character Based Zoning District. It is located directly in front of the Underhill ID school. The proposed use is allowed and will require a site plan and conditional use review and approval from the DRB.
The following documents are associated with this application:
201 Orr Road Access Drive Amendment Application
This application will be before the DRB on November 8 at 7:00 pm.
This application is a request by the property owner to amend a previously approved access to the lot at 201 Orr Road.
What was in front of the DRB was a request to amend the previous approval that the proposed extension be built to the Town standard and maintained by the Town. What is being contemplated is the access to 201 Orr Road will be by the Town approved driveway standard with the extension being maintained by the private property owner. As part of the previous conditions of approval any “substantial revisions to the plan would require review and approval from the DRB at a public hearing”. Seeing that this is a substantial change it was in front of the DRB.
Below you can find materials related to this application:
Please feel free to comment on this application below or reach out directly to the Zoning Administrator. His information is on the right side of this page.
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Upcoming DRB Meetings
Watch MMCTV Recordings of Past Meetings
DRB Members
DRB Members:
- Matt Brouillard, term expires 2028
- Andrew Chardain, term expires 2028
- Ben Barron (alternate), term expires 2026
- Steve Mattera (alternate), term expires 2026
- Phyl Newbeck, Vice-chair, term expires 2026
- Justin Willis, term expires 2027
- Jeff York, Chair, term expires 2027
Questions? Contact us
Committee Chair
JYEmail -
Phone (802) 899-2287 x 104 Email