Development Review Board

The Development Review Board is primarily responsible for reviewing development proposals, which include conditional uses, site plans, subdivisions, appeals of administrative decisions, and requests for waivers and variances.

Meetings are held on the second & fourth WEDNESDAYS at 7:00 pm (as needed) - Relevant materials for each hearing will be found in the DRB PROJECTS SECTION below

The Jericho Development Review Board has a one vacancy (alternate) open and is looking for interested residents to join their board. The DRB is responsible for reviewing development proposals which include conditional uses, site plans, subdivisions, appeals of administrative decisions etc. The Meetings

The Development Review Board is primarily responsible for reviewing development proposals, which include conditional uses, site plans, subdivisions, appeals of administrative decisions, and requests for waivers and variances.

Meetings are held on the second & fourth WEDNESDAYS at 7:00 pm (as needed) - Relevant materials for each hearing will be found in the DRB PROJECTS SECTION below

The Jericho Development Review Board has a one vacancy (alternate) open and is looking for interested residents to join their board. The DRB is responsible for reviewing development proposals which include conditional uses, site plans, subdivisions, appeals of administrative decisions etc. The Meetings are held on the second and fourth Wednesday of each Month at 7 pm.

If you are interested in joining the DRB please send your inquires to Paula Carrier at and cc Chris Flinn, Zoning Administrator at

Applications and checklists for the DRB are available to view and download on the Town Documents page under Zoning/Development Applications.

Planning and Zoning Documents, such as the Land Use Regulations, Zoning Map, the Town Plan and Public Works Specs are available to view and download on the Town Documents page under Planning and Zoning Documents.

Minutes of DRB meetings are posted online once approved. The Minutes from 2018 to present are posted on this web page. Copies of all previous Minutes are available in the Town Clerks office. Agendas will be posted as hearing applications are approved.

Warnings for the Development Review Board are publicly posted at least 15 days prior to the hearing; we will add them to the website as close to that timeline as possible.

Warnings will be posted on or at the following: the Jericho Post Office, the Jericho Market, the Jericho Town Hall, on this web page and on the project site.

  • 89 Raceway Road

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
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    At a meeting of the Jericho Development Review Board held on November 10, 2021, the Board heard a request by Chris Ardivino for a three-lot PUD located at 89 Raceway Road. This parcel is located in the Low-Density Residential Zoning District.

    After review of the application, the Board voted unanimously to approve the request with conditions. CLICK HERE to View the all of the Application Materials.

  • 3 Raceway Road

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
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    At a meeting of the Jericho Development Review Board held on October 27, 2021, the Board heard a request by the Mansfield View HOA to amend a previously approved Planned Unit Development. This property is located at 3 Raceway Road which is in the Village Zoning District.

    After review the Board voted to approve the application request.


  • 188 Orr Road

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
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    On October 27, 2021 at 7:00 pm, the DRB heard request from Viola Hunt for Sketch Plan review for 2-lot minor subdivision. This property is located at 188 Orr Road which is in the Village Zoning District.

    To view the Sketch plan materials that were provided with this application CLICK HERE.

    The next step in this application will be a Final Subdivision review.

  • 80 Browns Trace

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
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    At a meeting of the Jericho Development Review Board held on October 12, 2021, the Board heard a request by Patrick O’Brian for a two-lot subdivision. This property is located at 80 Browns Trace which is in the Low-Density Residential Zoning District.

    After review the Board voted to approve the application request with conditions.

    To view all of the Final Application and approval materials,


    CLICK HERE to view the Sketch Plan Materials (2017)

  • 163 Plains Road 9 Lot Subdivision

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
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    At a meeting of the Jericho Development Review Board held on October 12, 2021, the Board heard a request by Darrell and Belvia Meulemans for a nine-lot PUD located at 163 Plains Road. This parcel is located in the Low-Density Residential Zoning District.

    After review of the application, the Board voted unanimously to approve the applicant's request with conditions.


    At a meeting of the Jericho Development Review Board held on May 26, 2021, the Board heard a preliminary plat request by Darrell and Belvia Meulemans for a nine lot PUD subdivision.

    After review, the Board voted to approve the preliminary plat request.

    To view all the materials associated with that application, CLICK HERE.

    On May 13, 2020, the DRB heard the Sketch Plan review for this application. Those materials can be VIEWED HERE.

  • 55 Skunk Hollow Road

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
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    At a meeting of the Jericho Development Review Board held on August 25, 2021 the Board heard a request from Akshata Nayak to amend a previously approved Planned Unit Development through a boundary line adjustment. This property is located at 55 Skunk Hollow Road which is in the Rural Agricultural Residential Zoning District.

    After review the Board voted to approve the application request.

    CLICK HERE to view all of the materials associated with this application.

  • 347, 353 and 359 Browns Trace

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
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    At a meeting of the Jericho Development Review Board held on July 14, 2021, the Board heard a request from Hugh Griffiths, Matthew Wheeler, Regina Limoge, and Kimberleigh and Christopher Cleary for a Boundary Line Adjustment. The properties are located at 347, 353 & 359 Browns Trace which is in the Village Center Zoning Districts.

    After review of the application, the Board unanimously voted to approve the request with conditions. Click below is all of the application information associated with this project.

    CLICK HERE for Application Materials

  • 6 Borden Drive Conditional Use

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
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    At a meeting of the Jericho Development Review Board held on June 23, 2021, the DRB heard a request from Sefton and Melissa Hirsh for Conditional Use Approval for an accessory apartment at 6 Borden Drive in the Low-Density Residential Zoning District.

    After review of the application, the Board unanimously voted to approve the request with conditions.

    To view all of a application materials associated with the application,


  • VT 261 Sign Violation

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
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    At a meeting of the Jericho Development Review Board held on June 23, 2021, the Board heard an appeal of a Notice of Violation (sign permit #2020031) by David VIlleneuve. The property is located at 261 VT Route which is located in the Commercial Zoning District.

    After review the Board voted and determined to uphold the Notice of Violation.

    To view the all of the project materials, CLICK HERE

  • 261 VT Route 15 Conditional Use

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    At a meeting of the Jericho Development Review Board held on June 23, 2021, the DRB heard a request for Conditional Use Review by David Villeneuve for the establishment of a Restaurant/Tavern > 3,000 sq.ft.. This property is located at 261 Vt Route 15 which is in the Commercial Zoning District.

    After review of the application, the Board voted to approve the request with conditions.

    To view the all of the application materials associated with the application,


Page last updated: 10 Dec 2024, 11:11 AM