Highway Department

The Jericho Highway Department is responsible for the following:
- Paved and gravel road maintenance & reconstruction
- Bridge repair and maintenance
- Public building upkeep
- Tree conservation & hazard tree removal.
- Snow & ice removal on roads & designated sidewalks
- Storm drainage/catch basin repair & maintenance
The Jericho Highway Department is responsible for the following:
- Paved and gravel road maintenance & reconstruction
- Bridge repair and maintenance
- Public building upkeep
- Tree conservation & hazard tree removal.
- Snow & ice removal on roads & designated sidewalks
- Storm drainage/catch basin repair & maintenance
March 2025 - Mud Season Road List
04 Mar 2025Town of Jericho List of Posted Roads For Mud Season 2025
The Legislature has authorized Selectboards and District Transportation Administrators to post certain town roads and state highways during winter thaws, rainy periods, or when the frost is coming out. During this time, no load in excess of the posting is permitted, no new permits can be issued, and blanket permits are suspended.
Below is a list of all dirt and gravel roads that have been posted as of 3/5/25. The weight limits are as follows: two-axle = 15,000 lbs, three-axle = 18,000 lbs and a tractor trailer unit = 20,000 lbs.
Name of Road:
Bentley Lane Owens Street Bolger Hill Road Packard Road Cilley Hill Road Palmer Lane Creekside Plains Road Dickenson Street Pratt Road Fields Lane Raceway Road Fitzsimonds Road Railroad Circle Hanley Lane Schillhammer Road Lawrence Heights Skyview Drive Leary Road Snipe Island Road Milo White Road Steeplebush Road Morgan Road Stygles Road Mountain View Road Tarbox Road Nashville Road Varney Road Old Pump Road Walsh Terrace Orr Road Date Posted: 3/5/25 Expected end Date: 5/15/25
Pre-qualified Contractors - Town Garage Information Packet (IFB)
28 Jan 2025 -
BID for Construction - Nashville Road
27 Jan 2025General Notice Town of Jericho (Owner) is requesting Bids for the construction of the following Project: Nashville Road Paving Improvements
Bids for the construction of the Project will be received at the Town Garage located at 510 Browns Trace, PO Box 39, Jericho, VT 05465, until February 11, 2025 at 9:00 a.m. At that time the Bids received will be opened and reviewed.
The Project includes the following Work: Remove existing pavement, re-pave apron/approach from Nashville Road to Browns Trace.
Engineer’s construction cost estimate is $75,000 to $150,000
BID for Construction - Old Pump Rd. Bridge 40
27 Jan 2025General Notice Town of Jericho (Owner) is requesting Bids for the construction of the following Project: Bridge 40 Improvements
Bids for the construction of the Project will be received at the Town Garage located at 510 Browns Trace, PO Box 39, Jericho, VT 05465, until February 11, 2025 at 9:00 a.m. At that time the Bids received will be opened and reviewed.
The Project includes the following Work: Bridge 40 and Old Pump Road Improvements.
Engineer’s construction cost estimate is $100,000 to $200,000.
List of Pre-qualified Bidders - Town Garage Project
16 Jan 2025 -
Invitation for Pre-qualified bidders
28 Jan 2025CLOSED: This discussion has concluded. -
Town of Jericho Highway Garage General Contractor (RFQ)
09 Dec 2024Town of Jericho Highway Garage General Contractor (GC) RFQ 12/6/2024
Town of Jericho has retained the services of Matt Young of Ascent Consulting LLC as their Municipal Project Manager (MPM) to assist with preconstruction and construction of a new Highway Garage. The facility will be located on the premises of the current facility. In March of 2024 the residents of the Town of Jericho voted to approve a bond amount not to exceed $4.15M for the construction of the new facility. Cross Consulting Engineers is the architect of record with their sub-consultants Hardy Structural, Engineering Services of Vermont and Tim Stone Consulting.
The anticipated schedule is outlined below. The owner reserves the right to modify the schedule as they deem necessary.
1. Post GC RFQ 12/06/24
2. GC RFQ Due 1/06/25 4pm EDT
3. Pre-qualified GC Firms Selected Week of 1/13/25
4. Bid Package Released Week of 1/20/25
5. RFI Close 02/10/25
6. Bid Date 02/21/25
7. Bid Award 03/6/25
8. Start Construction Spring 2025
All general contractors are to be prequalified prior to bidding on this project. The town will only accept general contractor bids in a lump sum from firms who have been pre-qualified. Submission and questions to be directed to Matt Young at myoung@ascentconsultingllc.com(External link) and copy Paula Carrier, Town Administrator at pcarrier@jerichovt.gov(External link) . Hard copies are not required. Limit page count to 25 formatted in a pdf file. The Town reserves the right to make decisions based on what is in the best interest of the Town and the project. The cost of preparation of this RFQ will be solely responsible of the responder. It is the Town’s intent to limit pre-qualified bidders to 3-5 firms. Due to the limit of the prequalified list, you will be expected to submit a bid. If a prequalified bidder does not submit a bid, this will hamper their ability to participate on future projects. Additional project information is available on the Town’s Highway link in regard to the Feasibility Study. The successful bidder will enter a contract with the Town of Jericho using the Consensus Docs 205 Short Form Lump Sum Price.
Project Scope This project consists of 16,524 gsf 10 bay garage with offices and wash bay. The structure primarily consists of pre-engineered steel with metal sandwich panel roof and walls. Project plans are attached. (continued.... CLICK FOR FULL ANNOUNCEMENT PDF)
Bond Vote/Budget Hearing February 26th
06 Feb 2024On Monday, February 26th at 6pm, the Jericho Selectboard will be holding a final public hearing of the cost estimate, timeline and tax implication for the bond vote to construct a new Town Maintenance Facility. The meeting will take place in Town Hall and on Zoom. The link will be found in the posted agenda.
A bond vote will take place on Town Meeting Day, Tuesday March 5th, 2024. Also on the agenda for this meeting is a final, public hearing on the FY’25 general and capital budgets. We hope you can join.
Tax Valuation Information - Maintenance Facility Bond
31 Jan 2024 -
Town Maintenance Facility (click here for details/links/videos)
19 Oct 2023The Town of Jericho has recently undertaken a study to determine the functional challenges our existing town maintenance facility presents—and the opportunity a new one will provide. Matt Young from Ascent Consulting in Stockbridge, VT has been hired to study and outline to Jericho residents, existing conditions that compromise staff safety—in addition to the structural and functional liabilities that will be addressed by constructing a new facility.
At the Selectboard’s October 5th meeting, Matt presented a concerning analysis of the compromised structural integrity, lacking energy efficiency and human safety concerns that presently exist in the Highway Dept building. In addition, Matt emphasized the critical role an updated and modern maintenance facility plays in maintaining and recruiting high quality staff. Matt also provided a proposed design for a new, highly functional and right-sized facility for the Town of Jericho. His analysis provided proposed costs, and a suggested timeline for moving from concept to completion.
In coming months, Matt and the Select Board will be holding open house visits for Jericho residents to visit our current facility. The Select Board’s goal will be to to provide deeper understanding of current functional concerns and to give an overview of the long term benefits and cost savings the new facility addresses. The hope is for voters to understand the process details, costs and functional benefit required to provide informed support for this transformational project.
Please direct questions or suggestions to Town Administrator, Paula Carrier (pcarrier@jerichovt.gov(External link))
To read the feasibility study click here
Watch the Video of the presentation here(External link)
Example of Proposed New Building exterior
Example of Proposed New Building exterior
Example of Proposed Interior
Example of Proposed Interior
Example of Updated Staff Interior
Example of Updated Staff Interior
Example of Updated Staff Interior
Who we are
Road Supervisor: Jacob Johnson
Phone: (802) 899-3180
Email: jerichohighway@jerichovt.gov(External link)
Road Crew:
Jim Kilpeck
Felix Streeter
Kasey Clark
Derek Benoit
Jericho Highway Department
510 Browns Trace
PO Box 39
Jericho, VT 05465
Winter Hours:
- Monday - Friday 7:00 am - 3:00 pm
Summer Hours (May - 1 - September 30):
- Monday - Thursday 6:00 am - 4:00 pm
- Friday Closed