Planning Commission

The Jericho Planning Commission (PC) is made up of seven volunteer-members appointed by the Select Board. We do our work through a lens which attempts to balance the public good with private rights and interests by listening to public input, researching issues and solutions, and following state and regional laws and guidelines. Read more: PC ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday of each month. Public participation and comment is welcomed and encouraged. Click Here For PC Meeting Procedures

Click on any of the buttons below to read the documents:

Click this link to view more planning documents on the Town Documents Page. You can also find all old versions of the Town Plan and Land Use Regulations Here. You can also find more Planning Documents on the sidebar of this page.

Here are some of our current projects - click on each image for more information.

Read The Plan

Connecting Jericho Corners and Riverside - Multimodal Path

The Jericho Planning Commission (PC) is made up of seven volunteer-members appointed by the Select Board. We do our work through a lens which attempts to balance the public good with private rights and interests by listening to public input, researching issues and solutions, and following state and regional laws and guidelines. Read more: PC ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday of each month. Public participation and comment is welcomed and encouraged. Click Here For PC Meeting Procedures

Click on any of the buttons below to read the documents:

Click this link to view more planning documents on the Town Documents Page. You can also find all old versions of the Town Plan and Land Use Regulations Here. You can also find more Planning Documents on the sidebar of this page.

Here are some of our current projects - click on each image for more information.

Read The Plan

Connecting Jericho Corners and Riverside - Multimodal Path

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    The Planning Commission worked on the process to change the name of the Commercial District. One of the recommendations of the 2019 Commercial District Master Plan is to come up with a new name.


    Because it's not just commercial properties that are located this zone roughly between Clark's Trucking and the Western entrance to Raceway Road on Route 15.  The Commercial is the pink area on the zoning map below. 

    Jericho Zoning Map

    (click on image to view the full zoning map of Jericho)

    It's a mix of residential, commercial, and even some farm land. And it's going to evolve into more in the future: a mixed use, multi-purpose crossroads linking our three Village Centers (Riverside, Jericho Corners, and Jericho Center).  Note that the Jericho Market is located in the Riverside Village Center District (red on the map), not the Commercial district (pink on the map).

Page last updated: 27 Nov 2024, 12:50 PM