
Welcome to the Town of Jericho Elections Information Page

Here you can find the results of local and national elections, as well as information on how to vote in Jericho.

The polling location for Jericho is Mount Mansfield Union High School - 211 Browns Trace, 7am to 7pm

If you would like to request early/absentee ballots be mailed to your for the calendar year 2024, click on this Early/Absentee Ballot Request Form or after January 1st sign into the state's My Voter Page. You can also call to request a ballot or stop in to pick up your

Welcome to the Town of Jericho Elections Information Page

Here you can find the results of local and national elections, as well as information on how to vote in Jericho.

The polling location for Jericho is Mount Mansfield Union High School - 211 Browns Trace, 7am to 7pm

If you would like to request early/absentee ballots be mailed to your for the calendar year 2024, click on this Early/Absentee Ballot Request Form or after January 1st sign into the state's My Voter Page. You can also call to request a ballot or stop in to pick up your ballot at the Town Hall when they are available. Active voters will automatically be mailed a ballot between mid-September and first week of October for the November 5th General Election. These ballots can either be voted early or brought to the polling place on election day. If you come to the polls without your ballot, you will need to sign an affidavit that you are not using the November 5th ballot that was mailed to you. The ballot is two sided. If you choose not to vote in every race, your ballot will still be counted for the races that you do vote in.

The automatic mailing is being coordinated by the Vermont Secretary of State's Office. They are pulling the data from September 3rd from the checklist information maintained by each Vermont Town. Election mail will not be forwarded.

If you register to vote in Jericho after September 3rd, you will be mailed a ballot from the Jericho Town Clerk Office. If you have newly moved to Jericho, your voting registration may have been updated to Jericho if you updated your address for your Vermont Driver's License.

  • future election dates for 2024 include:
    • General Election: November 5, 2024 -- ballots will be automatically mailed to all active voters in September

Policy to Cover Polling Place Activities

Click here for Nominating Petition Form for Town Meeting 2025

Important Jericho Election and Town Meeting Documents can be found on the Town Documents page.
Search under Election/Town Meeting Documents.

Click here for information regarding Vermont On-Line Voter Registration

The Vermont Secretary of State provides much more information about elections. Visit that website for more information.

  • General election results for Jericho - November 2022

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    These results include Jericho only on the County and State races. Results for County and State races will be available on the Secretary of State's website once they are official.

  • August 9, 2022 State Primary Results (Jericho only)

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
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    Click to View Election Results

  • Early/Absentee voting in the State Primary Election

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    The State Primary Election is Tuesday August 9th. The polls will be open from 7am to 7pm at Mount Mansfield Union High School, 211 Browns Trace.

    If you wish to vote early you can make a request through my voter page to have the ballot mailed to you, *call 802-899-4936 x100 to have a ballot mailed to you, *stop by Town Hall and pick one up, or *vote in the Town Hall during normal operating hours. The deadline to request an early ballot is 5pm Monday August 8th.

    If you are returning an early ballot to the Town Hall, please try to bring it by the Friday before the election. You can use the outside ballot drop box through 5pm Monday August 8th. If you miss this deadline, early ballots will still be counted if they are received at the polling place by 7pm on Tuesday August 9th (Mount Mansfield Union High School). Once the signature certificate envelope is signed and sealed with your voted ballot inside, anyone can bring it back for you.

  • Town Meeting March 1, 2022 Election Results

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

  • Testing of the Vote Tabulators

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    The vote tabulators for Town Meeting Day March 1st will be tested on Friday February 11th at 10am. The memory cards will stay in test mode through Tuesday February 15th 3PM. If you wish to inspect the test deck or have any questions, please call to make an appointment. 802-899-4936 x1

  • More information regarding deadlines for petition for Town Meeting

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
    The DEADLINE to petition an article for the Town Meeting Warning is January 13th, 2022 5pm
    To petition an article for Town Meeting (voice vote on the floor) 5% for the Select Board to consider, 10% for the Select Board to waive their discretion

    We currently have 4,309 registered voters. 5% is 216 voters, 10% is 431
    Petitions for petitioned articles for Town Meeting are due Thursday January 13th, 5pm VSA Title 17, section 2642 (a) (3) (A)

    If the petition is regarding changing from a 3 member to 5 member Select Board, the required number of signatures is 15% per the Jericho Town Charter.
    see article IV

    The DEADLINE for nominating petitions to have your name on the ballot is Monday January 24th, 2022 5pm

    MARCH 1st, 2022 Town Meeting Election TOWN OFFICERS that will be on the ballot


    MODERATOR – for one year

    TOWN CLERK – for one year

    SELECT BOARD – for three years

    CEMETERY COMMISSIONER – for three years

    JERICHO -- UNDERHILL LIBRARY DISTRICT TRUSTEE -- one year of an unexpired four year term

    JERICHO – UNDERHILL LIBRARY DISTRICT TRUSTEE – three years of an unexpired four year term



    MT MANSFIELD UNIFIED UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS – for three years Vote for not more than 2

    Updated January 19, 2022, pending legislation has been signed by the Governor for election law changes related to the 2022 Annual Town Meeting.

    For 2022 we are anticipating the Governor will sign Senate Bill S. 172 once it is passed by the legislature. S.172 has been signed by the Governor. This will allow Jericho to vote all items by ballot at Town Meeting March 1, 2022. The ballot will include the Town & School Officers as well as the municipal budget and other Town Meeting Articles. There will also be a separate pink ballot for the Mt Mansfield Unified Union School District budget.

    S.223 has been signed by the Governor. Nominating petitions are not required for candidates for local office at the annual meeting. Candidates need to simply file a consent form on or before the January 24, 2022 5pm deadline. If you are interested in running for office, a nominating petition and consent form will need to be filed with the Jericho Town Clerk by 5pm Monday January 24th, 2022. Early ballot voting will be available by February 9, 2022 (If you have any trouble opening these blue links, you can also go back to the home page, scroll down to "Town Documents" and they are all listed in the category "Election Documents")

    Australian Ballot Voting for Jericho voters will be at the Mt Mansfield Union High School, 211 Browns Trace from 7am to 7pm March 1, 2022, Parking will be available in the front lot and you may enter the main entrance to the school. Masks are required to enter the school building. The path of the voters this year will be from the main front entrance to the library for voter check-in, voting in the Huntington Room & exit through the Huntington Room (fka KIVA) back to the main doors. The main doors to the school will be set up so that you enter on the right hand side and exit to the outdoors through the pair of doors on the other side. We will make every effort possible so that you will be able to enter and exit the school in less than 15 minutes. There will also be an attended early ballot drop box in the vestibule of the school entrance on Election Day March 1, 2022.

  • Town Meeting March 1, 2022

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    MARCH 1st, 2022 Town Meeting Election


    (All are VOTE for NOT MORE THAN ONE except MMUUSD Director 3yr term)

    MODERATOR – for one year

    TOWN CLERK – for one year

    SELECT BOARD – for three years

    CEMETERY COMMISSIONER – for three years

    JERICHO -- UNDERHILL LIBRARY DISTRICT TRUSTEE -- one year of an unexpired four year term

    JERICHO – UNDERHILL LIBRARY DISTRICT TRUSTEE – three years of an unexpired four year term



    MT MANSFIELD UNIFIED UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS – for three years Vote for not more than 2


    For 2022 we are anticipating returning to a regular Town Meeting format where the municipal budget and other Town Meeting Articles are voted by a voice vote on the floor of Town Meeting except for the Town and School Officers listed above. The Town and School Officers as well as the Mt Mansfield Unified Union School District budget will be voted on by Australian Ballot. If you are interested in running for office, a nominating petition and consent form will need to be filed with the Jericho Town Clerk by 5pm Monday January 24th, 2022. Early ballot voting will be available by February 9, 2022

    Australian Ballot Voting for Jericho voters will be at the Mt Mansfield Union High School, 211 Browns Trace from 7am to 7pm March 1, 2022

    THERE WILL BE NO INPERSON TOWN MEETINGTown meeting will begin at 9am at Mt Mansfield Union High School, 211 Browns Trace at 9am March 1, 2022

  • Town Meeting/March 2, 2021 Election Info

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
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    Click below for the full 2021 Town Meeting Election Results:

    Town Election Results

    Click below for the 2021 Mount Mansfield Modified Union School District Budget Vote results 2021 Town Meeting Election Results:

    School Election Results

    Click on the links below to view MMCTV videos on these items:

    For a sample ballot click here

    For a absentee ballot request form click here

    To view the town budget on the Town Meeting Info page click here There are also links to the Feb 9th and Feb 25 budget discussion virtual meetings on this page.

    Testing of the vote tabulators will be Friday February 12th at 1pm at Jericho Town Hall. If you wish to view the Town Meeting ballot test deck results please contact the Jericho Town Clerk to attend.

    Early Ballot Processing, the BCA will begin processing ballots through the vote tabulator Thursday Feb 25 9am at the Jericho Town Hall. If you wish to observe, please contact the Jericho Town Clerk to attend. The early ballot processing schedule is as follows.

    Thursday Feb 25 9am to 11am : Mike Sweeney, Mary Coburn, Ned Dubois and Carol Smith

    Monday March 1st 9am to 11 am: Bill Drislane, Carol Gross, Mary Jane Dickerson and Tom Joslin

    Please read more in the text below the ways to obtain an early/absentee ballot for March 2nd and the ways to return a voted ballot.

    There are many ways to request an early absentee/ballot for the March 2nd election. The ballots should be available February 10th, but you can request one now and we will mail it to you as soon as they are available.

    1. Complete this form and drop it off in the outside drop box in front of Town Hall, scan and email it to jerichovermont@yahoo.com or mail it to Town of Jericho, PO Box 67, Jericho VT 05465 This form can also be used if you are requesting for a family member by filling in the voter's information in the top of the from and your information in the bottom part of the form.

    2. Call 802-899-4936 x 100 and follow the prompts to leave the information needed to request a ballot for yourself or a family member.

    3, enter your request through my voter page, be sure to confirm the mailing address where you want the ballot mailed to

    4. February 22 through February 26, and Monday March 1 from 9am to 5pm you can stop by Town Hall to request your own ballot in person. The request form will still need to be completed. Forms are available on the front door of Town Hall or you can print this form and bring it with you. The front door of Town Hall is locked, but knock on the door and Ben or I will meet you at the door, take your completed request form and then hand you your own ballot. (We can only hand you your own ballot. We will have to mail ballots to people other than the person standing in front of us.) You do not need an appointment to pick up a ballot the week of February 22nd or on Monday March 1st.

    You can also vote at the polls on election day at Mount Mansfield Union High School, 211 Browns Trace. Tuesday March 2nd, 2021 the polls will be open from 7am to 7pm. You can bring the completed ballot with you that was previously requested, check-in at the registration table and walk it to the vote tabulator at the exit. Or if you have not requested an early ballot, you can request a ballot at the check-in table, mark it in a voting booth and walk it to the vote tabulator at the exit.

    As part of this provision for 2021, a person shall not be required to collect voter signatures in order to have the person's name placed on the ballot as a candidate for a local election that is held at a 2021 municipal meeting. All that is required is that the candidate file a consent of candidate form with the Jericho Town Clerk. This needs to be the paper form either mailed or dropped off in the drop box in front of the Jericho Town Hall. The form needs to arrive by 5pm on Monday January 25th (the sixth Monday before the election)

    If you wish to check to see if you are registered to vote in Jericho, you can check the my voter page on the Secretary of State's Website. If you are not able to confirm it and you have been registered in Jericho since before 2005, it may be that your VTDL and date of birth is not in the system. Contact the Jericho Town Clerk if you have questions or concerns.

    Options to return a voted ballot:

    1. Mail : if you are returning a ballot by mail to "Town of Jericho, PO Box 67, Jericho VT 05465". You should mail by February 22nd to allow enough time for us to receive it. Be sure your voted ballots are inside the certificate envelope and you have signed the certificate envelope before mailing.

    2. Town Hall drop box: Once the voted ballots are inside the certificate envelope, and the certificate is signed by the voter, anyone can return the ballot to the drop box. The drop box is available 24/7 outside Town Hall to the left of the front entrance steps. This drop box can also be used on Tuesday March 2nd until 7pm.

    3. Attended outside drop box at polling place on election day: There will be an attended drop box under a tent in the bus lane of Mount Mansfield Union High School from 7am to 7pm. Voted ballots need to be inside the certificate envelope and the certificate envelope needs to be signed by the voter. It is OK to return a ballot for someone else as long as the voter has signed and sealed the ballots inside the certificate envelope.

    4. Voting in person on election day Tuesday March 2nd from 7am to 7pm. Curbside voting will be available for voters who do not wish to enter the school. To enter the school you will first be greeted with a COVID screening, then proceed to the voter check-in table. You can either bring the ballot that you requested ahead of time or a ballot will be issued to you at the check-in table. Once the ballot has been marked, the voter will be able to put the ballot through the vote tabulator at the exit. The voter can only place their own ballot through the vote tabulator.

    If you have interest in volunteering as an election worker during 2021, please contact Jessica Alexander, Town Clerk to find out more information. Please see the survey below. Many volunteers are needed to help the election day run smoothly. It is a great way to see your neighbors and feel good about doing something for the Town. All age groups are encouraged to participate. Students age 16 and older may work as a youth election officials. The voter entrance check-in table is a busy space that requires focused attention, ability to multi-task and ability to hear over background noise.

    Election Dates 2021: Polling Place -- Mount Mansfield Union High School, 211 Browns Trace
    Polling Hours -- 7am to 7pm
    * March 2, 2021 Annual Town Meeting

    Phone contact: (802) 899-4936 x 1, on Election day: messages are checked at the Jericho Town Clerk Office and they will be checked throughout the day of the election (questions needing immediate attention should be brought to the polling place).

  • Selectboard Candidates Q&A

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
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    Update: the video of this session is posted on the sidebar of this page.

    MMCTV will be hosting a virtual Jericho Selectboard Candidates Q&A session with Erik Johnson and current Selectboard member Tim Nulty on Wed. February 10th at 6.30-7.30pm, ahead of Town Meeting 2021 Voting.

    The event will be held via GoToMeeting as well as streamed live on Comcast Channel 1086 and on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/MMCTV15/live.

    GoToMeeting link: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/634196165

    You can also dial in using your phone: +1 (872) 240-3311, Access Code: 634-196-165

    Angelike Contis from MMCTV will be moderating the event, but your questions are essential for a great Jericho conversation! Please join us or email your questions in advance. mmctv15@gmail.com

    Here is a related video, produced by MMCTV.

    Candidate's Statement by Erik Johnson: https://archive.org/details/candidate-johnson-selectbd-jericho-012521

  • November 3, General Election Information

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    Thank you Jericho for voting on Election Day!

    Click on the image below to view Jericho's election results. See page 12 for the local Justice of the Peace Results

    Jericho ballots were mailed out Friday September 25th to all active voters in Jericho. If you do not receive your ballot by October 1st please contact the Jericho Town Clerk.

    The Vermont Secretary of State will be sending out early voter absentee ballots to all voters who were registered by September 1st. The address that is being used is the one that was on file in the Vermont Elections Management System on August 31. The ballot is not able to be forwarded (it will be returned to the Jericho Town Clerk if it is not deliverable as addressed) If a ballot arrives for someone in your family who is not at that address (ex. temporarily away at school) then contact the Jericho Town Clerk Office and we can arrange to mail it in a new envelope.

    Early Ballot Counting began October 13, 2020 following the Secretary of State's Directive. The ballots are being processed through the vote tabulator by members of the Board of Civil Authority.

    The schedule for early ballot processing is listed below. If you wish to observe, please call the Town Clerk's Office to make an appointment. As of October 16th 1129 ballots have been processed. As of October 22nd 2122 ballots have been processed. We will not know the results until the tabulator runs a printed report at the close of the polls at 7PM Tuesday November 3rd.

    All early ballot processing is taking place at Jericho Town Hall, 67 Vermont Route 15 except for Monday evening November 2nd will be at MMU.

    • October 13th 9am Mary Jane Dickerson and Mike Weinberg
    • October 14th 9am Jim Gallagher, Janet Gallagher, Carol Smith and Mary Jane Dickerson, 1pm Mike Weinberg and Mary Jane Dickerson
    • October 15th 9am Carol Smith and Mary Jane Dickerson
    • October 16th 9am Carol Smith and Mike Weinberg (1129 tabulated so far)
    • October 19th 9am Mary Coburn and Tom Joslin 1pm Carol Smith and Bob Robbins
    • October 21st 9am Mary Coburn, Carol Smith, Jim and Janet Gallagher, 1pm Mary Coburn and Bob Robbins
    • October 22nd 6pm Kathleen Bassett Cramer, Tom Joslin
    • October 26th 9am Mary Jane Dickerson, Carol Smith and Tom Joslin, (need one more) 1pm Tom Joslin and Mary Coburn
    • October 28th 9am Mike Weinberg, Mary Coburn, Jim Gallagher (2250 tabulated so far)
    • October 29th 6 pm Kathleen Bassett Cramer and Peter Booth (2,670 tabulated so far)
    • November 2nd 9am 2 Mary Coburn and Mary Jane Dickerson
    • November 2nd 5pm at MMU Bob Robbins, Kathleen Bassett Cramer, Peter Booth, Tom Cheney and Tom Joslin

    Here is a list of FAQ for the November 2020 election compiled by the Vermont Secretary of State's Election Division.

    The ballots can be voted as soon as they are received. However, once you cast your ballot it cannot be returned to you. The Jericho Ballot is 2 sided so be sure to vote both sides. It is best to use black ink but do not use a sharpie marker that will bleed through to the other side. If you make a mistake marking your ballot, you can get a new one up to 3 times. (I have never had to replace a persons ballot more than once but it is comforting to know that there is room for mistakes.) If you think you have made a mistake, call or email the Town Clerk Office and we can make a plan to replace your ballot. You will need to provide the first ballot in order to receive a replacement ballot. If you need a new certificate envelope, there is a few on a clipboard outside the Town Hall door with a few on it (24/7).

    The ballot will arrive with a postage paid returned envelope but you are not required to mail it back. If you wish, you may return it to the outside secure drop box at the base of the Town Hall steps. PLEASE be sure to sign the certificate envelope with your voted ballot inside. The outside drop box is available 24/7 and available through 7PM on Tuesday November 3rd for your ballot to count.

    Click here for a November 3rd sample ballot for the Presidential Election. Please note there are two sides to the ballot.

    Click here for the November 3rd Election Warning Notice

    If you are returning the ballot by mail, you can use the postage paid return envelope addressed back to "Jericho Town Clerk, PO BOX 67, Jericho, VT 05465" or use your own envelope. The Vermont Secretary of State recommends mailing ballots by October 24th to assure delivery by November 3rd. We will check the mail on November 3rd. Thank you to Victoria, Cindy, Bob, Lisa and all the mail carriers at the Jericho Post Office for the amazing job they did for the August 11th election.

    If you are returning the ballot by FED EX or UPS, the physical address is 67 VERMONT ROUTE 15

    If you are returning the ballot on election day, you also have the option to return it at our polling place , Mt Mansfield Union High School, 211 Browns Trace. There will be an outside attendant at a drop box in front of the school from 7am to 7pm. The polls will also be open for in-person voting inside the school gym.

    Election day voter registration is available at the polls on election day.

Page last updated: 03 Sep 2024, 10:37 AM