
Welcome to the Town of Jericho Elections Information Page

Here you can find the results of local and national elections, as well as information on how to vote in Jericho.

The polling location for Jericho is Mount Mansfield Union High School - 211 Browns Trace, 7am to 7pm

If you would like to request early/absentee ballots be mailed to your for the calendar year 2024, click on this Early/Absentee Ballot Request Form or after January 1st sign into the state's My Voter Page. You can also call to request a ballot or stop in to pick up your

Welcome to the Town of Jericho Elections Information Page

Here you can find the results of local and national elections, as well as information on how to vote in Jericho.

The polling location for Jericho is Mount Mansfield Union High School - 211 Browns Trace, 7am to 7pm

If you would like to request early/absentee ballots be mailed to your for the calendar year 2024, click on this Early/Absentee Ballot Request Form or after January 1st sign into the state's My Voter Page. You can also call to request a ballot or stop in to pick up your ballot at the Town Hall when they are available. Active voters will automatically be mailed a ballot between mid-September and first week of October for the November 5th General Election. These ballots can either be voted early or brought to the polling place on election day. If you come to the polls without your ballot, you will need to sign an affidavit that you are not using the November 5th ballot that was mailed to you. The ballot is two sided. If you choose not to vote in every race, your ballot will still be counted for the races that you do vote in.

The automatic mailing is being coordinated by the Vermont Secretary of State's Office. They are pulling the data from September 3rd from the checklist information maintained by each Vermont Town. Election mail will not be forwarded.

If you register to vote in Jericho after September 3rd, you will be mailed a ballot from the Jericho Town Clerk Office. If you have newly moved to Jericho, your voting registration may have been updated to Jericho if you updated your address for your Vermont Driver's License.

  • future election dates for 2024 include:
    • General Election: November 5, 2024 -- ballots will be automatically mailed to all active voters in September

Policy to Cover Polling Place Activities

Click here for Nominating Petition Form for Town Meeting 2025

Important Jericho Election and Town Meeting Documents can be found on the Town Documents page.
Search under Election/Town Meeting Documents.

Click here for information regarding Vermont On-Line Voter Registration

The Vermont Secretary of State provides much more information about elections. Visit that website for more information.

  • More General Election Information

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    Election Dates 2020: Polling Place -- Mount Mansfield Union High School, 211 Browns Trace
    Polling Hours -- 7am to 7pm

    * November 3, 2020 General Election

    This is the Presidential Election as well as State Officers and Local Justices of the Peace for Jericho. The ballot is legal size and two sided. The local Justice of the Peace race is on the back of the ballot and specific to Jericho. Every active voter will be mailed a November 3rd ballot between September 21 and October 1. Voters registering to vote in Jericho after September 1st will also have a ballot mailed to them when their voter registration is processed. The ballot will come with a certificate envelope and a postage paid return envelope. The early/absentee ballot that is received in the mail is exactly the same as the ballot that will be at the polling place November 3rd. The only difference is the mailed ballot is scored for easy folding. Ballots can be returned by mail but you are not required to mail it. The ballots can be placed in the secure drop box to the left of the Town Hall front steps 24/7. Ballots must be received back by 7pm on Tuesday November 3rd in order to count. It is very important that you follow directions and put the voted ballot in the certificate envelope and sign the outside of the certificate envelope. If your signature in not on the certificate envelope with your voted ballot inside, then the ballot will be defective and not count. There are 7 reasons that a ballot can be deemed defective.

    If you wish to return your ballot at the polls there will be an outside drop box that is monitored by an election official to return completed ballots. If you wish to go inside the building and vote, you will need to sign an affidavit that you are not using the ballot that was mailed to you and then go through voting process. Voter traffic inside the polling place will be in a one way direction. Please be aware that safety precautions will be in place and patience with the process is appreciated.

    Jericho voters registering to vote in Jericho after August 31st 2020 will not be included in the bulk mailing orchestrated at the Secretary of State level but will receive a November 3rd ballot by mail when the register to vote.

  • August 2020 Primary

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
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    Click here for the August 2020 Election Results

    As of June 26th, 9 early ballots for the August 11 State Primary were emailed to Jericho Voters Overseas.
    As of July 2, 2020 we started mailing ballots to requests that were received prior to June 30th (236)

    On Monday July 6th we will mail out all requests received between July 1 and July 5th. (53)

    As of July 17th, we have issued 975 early ballots with 175 of those already returned.

    As of August 5th we have issued over 1900 ballots

    Absentee ballot requests:

    The best way to obtain a ballot for the August 11, 2020 is by mail. This year postage is being provided both ways, so please take advantage of this if you can. There will be polling hours at Mount Mansfield Union High School on election day for those who are not able to take advantage of the early voting but it will be longer process this year due to the safety precautions we will need to take at the polls. If you wish to request an early ballot we will be here 8 to 5 on Thursday August 6 and Monday August 10th. Monday 5pm is the deadline to request an early ballot.

    We strongly encourage you to vote by mail for the August 11th State Primary. Every active Jericho Voter will receive a November ballot by mail mid-September. If you mailed in a postcard request form for August that was helpful to confirm your mailing address. If you did not receive a postcard from the Secretary of State's office the last week of June, check with the Town Office to be sure we have your correct mailing address in the Vermont Election Management System. You can do this by going to my voter page or calling me at the Town Hall before the end of August. Click HERE to view to official Primary Election Warning.

    Click on the image below to view the sample ballots for the Republican, Democratic, and Progressive parties for the August 11th State Primary Election. Please note one of the ballots is double sided.

    If you wish to request an absentee ballot for the August 11 State Primary or November 3 Presidential Election you can fill out the request form or call 899-4936 x1 (or if you press ext 100 you do not need to listen to the long Town Clerk message). You do not need a reason to request an early/absentee ballot in Vermont. State Primary Election Ballots are available now. We should receive the November 3rd ballots mid-September.

  • Earlier 2020 Elections and Results

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    Here are the election night results state-wide for the Presidential Primary -- you are able to select for Jericho Specific Results. The election night results do not include write-ins.

    Here are the official results for the items voted on Australian Ballot at the Annual Town Meeting

    The results for the MMMUSD vote are here (votes from all five towns are commingled)

    If you would like to view information about Town Meeting 2020 please click here

  • June 6, 2019 6PM Special Meeting of the Mount Mansfield Modified Union School District

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
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    The five Town Clerks in the towns that comprise the Mount Mansfield Modified Union School District met with the Superintendent of Schools and the MMMUSD Board Chair and Board Clerk on June 4th to discuss the details of how the vote on Thursday, June 6, will be conducted. Further details of the conduct of the meeting were worked out in a telephone call between Heidi Racht, Huntington Town Clerk and MMMUSD Moderator Dave Clark.


    1. The meeting and vote will be held in the MMU gymnasium, at the high school in Jericho

    2. Voters will enter either through the main front doors or main back doors. Parking is available in either location. Greeters (School administration) will be on hand to direct attendees to the gym and to the childcare room and to remind voters to sign up if they would like to speak.

    3. This is an election, so no impediment of voters entering the polls will be allowed; the campaign setback areas near the doors will be observed as is done for Jericho elections held at MMU. The areas will be delineated.


    4. The meeting will begin at 6 pm.

    a. MMMUSD Moderator will give an overview of the process.

    b. MMMUSD Board Chair will give a two-minute statement from the Board.

    c. The rest of the meeting will be public comments germane to the issue, as warned – posted and advertised.

    5. The public comments period will be conducted by the Moderator, who will take the number of people who have signed up to comment and divide it by the time available, which will be 75 minutes or 80 minutes.

    a. Public comment is only for registered voters in the School District’s five towns.

    b. If time permits and those who have signed-up earlier in the meeting have finished, more comments will be allowed or the meeting will move to a vote.

    6. The meeting is a voice vote meeting. However, a motion from the floor supported by seven voters will move the vote to a paper ballot.


    A paper ballot vote, called for in place of a voice or hand vote, is not an Australian ballot vote.

    The Presiding Officer is the MMUSD Clerk Pat Straughan.

    7. Assuming a paper ballot, the discussion will close and voters will line up at the table where their Town Clerk and election officials (Justices of the Peace) are seated to get their name checked off the list and receive a ballot. In Jericho, the alphabet will be divided A-D, E-L, M-R & S-Z, so that four lines can form in front of the table.

    a. The voters will mark their ballot and then put it, unfolded, into one of the ballot boxes located on a table across the gym. The ballots are not sorted by town and the ballot result is for the entire district and not a town-by-town result.

    b. Voters will be welcome to stay in the gym, away from the polling area, or leave the meeting.


    The announced time for the vote is 7:30 pm. Assuming a paper ballot, the election will be conducted in the same manner as an election at the polls. Therefore, any registered voter who is in the building at 7:30 pm, will be eligible to vote. Entrance to the building will be closed at 7:30 pm. If you are not there at 7:30 pm, you will not be able to vote.


    1 No politicking is allowed in the meeting or near the polls. This includes buttons, stickers, hats, t-shirts or other visible signage expressing an opinion.

    2 Voters are welcome to bring papers into the meeting.

    3 Childcare will be provided in the Community Room by MMU students in the National Honor Society and the LEO Club. These students have worked at other events and community forums around the Underhill ID School.

    4 A sheriff will be on hand to help with parking and traffic flow; this official will be assisted by MMU administrators/staff.

    5 Same Day Voter Registration is in effect.

    6 The ballots will be stored in the Richmond Town vault for the statutory time required and then will be destroyed, per statute. After the count has been completed, two BCA members will accompany the Richmond Town Clerk to the vault: one each from Huntington and Richmond.

    Finally, if you have any questions regarding the elections, please contact your Town Clerk:

    Amy Grover, Bolton (434-3064, ext 222); Heidi Racht, Huntington (434-2032); Jessica Alexander, Jericho (899-4936 , ext 1); Linda Parent, Richmond (434-2221); Sherri Morin, Underhill (899-4434).

  • 2019 Town Meeting Results

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
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    Click here for the March 5, 2019 Town Meeting Results

  • 2018 November Election Results

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
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    Click here for November 2018 Election Results
Page last updated: 03 Sep 2024, 10:37 AM