Planning Commission

The Jericho Planning Commission (PC) is made up of seven volunteer-members appointed by the Select Board. We do our work through a lens which attempts to balance the public good with private rights and interests by listening to public input, researching issues and solutions, and following state and regional laws and guidelines.

The primary duties and responsibilities of the PC include:

  • Prepare the Comprehensive Plan, for consideration by the Selectboard. The Comprehensive Plan, also known as the Town Plan or Municipal Plan, describes the future visions and goals of the community, and it sets forth how the Town intends to achieve its goals.

  • Propose by-laws, for consideration by the Selectboard. The by-laws, also known as Land Use and Development regulations or zoning regulations, implement the growth and development goals of the community, and they must conform with the Town Plan.

Meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday of each month. Public participation and comment is welcomed and encouraged. Click Here For PC Meeting Procedures

Other roles of the PC:

  • Advises the Selectboard and other Town committees (e.g. Conservation Commission, Trails Committee, Affordable Housing Committee) on planning topics, projects, and the capital program.

  • Assists town committees and staff with actions that will implement the visions and goals of the adopted Town Plan. Each town committee has a liaison on the Planning Commission so we remain apprised of each others' work.

The PC is assisted and guided by the Town Planner, who is a town employee. Through this collaboration the PC and Planner:

  • Collect information and recommend town policies related to land use and development, housing, public spaces, transportation, economic and social development, historic and scenic preservation, recreation, energy use and conservation, and natural resources protection.
  • Identify grants from government and nonprofits to fund projects.
  • Ensure Jericho complies with state planning goals and smart growth principles.

  • Work with the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission, our neighboring towns, and state agencies like the Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development and the Agency of Natural Resources.

Click on any of the buttons below to read the documents:

Click this link to view more planning documents on the Town Documents Page. You can also find all old versions of the Town Plan and Land Use Regulations Here. You can also find more Planning Documents on the sidebar of this page.

Here are some of our current projects - click on each image for more information.

Connecting Jericho Corners and Riverside - Multimodal Path

The Jericho Planning Commission (PC) is made up of seven volunteer-members appointed by the Select Board. We do our work through a lens which attempts to balance the public good with private rights and interests by listening to public input, researching issues and solutions, and following state and regional laws and guidelines.

The primary duties and responsibilities of the PC include:

  • Prepare the Comprehensive Plan, for consideration by the Selectboard. The Comprehensive Plan, also known as the Town Plan or Municipal Plan, describes the future visions and goals of the community, and it sets forth how the Town intends to achieve its goals.

  • Propose by-laws, for consideration by the Selectboard. The by-laws, also known as Land Use and Development regulations or zoning regulations, implement the growth and development goals of the community, and they must conform with the Town Plan.

Meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday of each month. Public participation and comment is welcomed and encouraged. Click Here For PC Meeting Procedures

Other roles of the PC:

  • Advises the Selectboard and other Town committees (e.g. Conservation Commission, Trails Committee, Affordable Housing Committee) on planning topics, projects, and the capital program.

  • Assists town committees and staff with actions that will implement the visions and goals of the adopted Town Plan. Each town committee has a liaison on the Planning Commission so we remain apprised of each others' work.

The PC is assisted and guided by the Town Planner, who is a town employee. Through this collaboration the PC and Planner:

  • Collect information and recommend town policies related to land use and development, housing, public spaces, transportation, economic and social development, historic and scenic preservation, recreation, energy use and conservation, and natural resources protection.
  • Identify grants from government and nonprofits to fund projects.
  • Ensure Jericho complies with state planning goals and smart growth principles.

  • Work with the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission, our neighboring towns, and state agencies like the Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development and the Agency of Natural Resources.

Click on any of the buttons below to read the documents:

Click this link to view more planning documents on the Town Documents Page. You can also find all old versions of the Town Plan and Land Use Regulations Here. You can also find more Planning Documents on the sidebar of this page.

Here are some of our current projects - click on each image for more information.

Connecting Jericho Corners and Riverside - Multimodal Path

  • December 1 Planning Commission Meeting

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
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    The Planning Commission met on Tuesday December 1 via Zoom.

    The PC refreshed their memories of the Commercial district project process. Here is a copy of the presentation. They will then voted to remove Map 5 and Map 6 of the 2019 Commercial District Master Plan and text in that document related to those Maps. Click here to view the Master Plan with text that will be considered to be edited. (see pages 10, 15, 16-17, 21, and 26). The suggested text to be edited is highlighted in yellow.

    The full PC agenda is available to view on this page.

  • Planning Commission Meeting November 17

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
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    The Planning Commission met on Tuesday November 17.

    The PC heard an update from Planning Commission members Wendy Verrei Berenback and Sabina Ernst about a recent meeting they had with members of the Jericho agricultural community. The PC also discussed the process to amend two maps in the Commercial District Master Plan.

    The full PC agenda is available to view on this page.

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  • Canceled - November 3 Planning Commission Meeting

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
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    The Planning Commission will not meet on November 3rd. Their next meeting will be on November 17.

  • Planning Commission Meeting October 20

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
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    The Planning Commission met on Tuesday October 20.

    The PC spent time learning about the master plan proposal by GW Tatro for Riverside. They also discussed the concerns from the Valleys Edge neighborhood that have come up with the Town Plan and Commercial District Master Plan maps. They have decided that they will work on editing the CD Master Plan and maps at their upcoming meetings. Stay tuned for details on how to be involved with the process. Finally, they readopted their Rules of Procedure.

    The full PC agenda is available to view on this page.

  • Planning Commission Meeting - October 6

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
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    The Planning Commission met on Tuesday October 6.

    The PC discussed the Commercial District project and a short history of Jericho zoning. They heard from Jonathan Villeneuve who has requested to discuss a potential Low Density Residential zoning boundary change. The PC closed their public hearing on the draft Zoning Regulations related to the Commercial District that they have been working on since last year. They took no action on the draft zoning proposal and will take it up at a later time, to be determined later. Info about the Commercial District project can be found on the CD project page. They also decided to table the Official Map project until a later date as well.

    The full PC agenda is available to view on this page.

  • Planning Commission Meeting September 22

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
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    The Planning Commission met on September 22.

    The PC heard from the residents of the Jericho East neighborhood association who requested a meeting to discuss zoning boundary changes as well as residents of Valleys Edge who have concerns about potential boundary changes and streets and paths impacting their neighborhood.

    The PC continued their public hearing on the draft Zoning Regulations that they have been working on since last year to their next meeting, October 6.

    There are no changes in this current draft from the previous draft (August 14). You can view the draft and public hearing materials on the CD project page. T

    The full PC agenda is available to view on this page.

  • Planning Commission Public Hearing - September 8

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    The Planning Commission met on Tuesday September 8.

    They held a public hearing on the draft Zoning Regulations that they have been working on since last year. This hearing was continued to September 22. More details are to come regarding this continued hearing. The agenda for the PC meeting and the Public hearing notice can be found on this page.

  • Planning Commission Meeting - August 18

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
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    The Planning Commission met on Tuesday August 18 at 7:00 pm.

    The PC discussed the Official Map project. On Monday the 17th, the PC chair, planner and a Commercial District representative met with the CCRPC for the first time to discuss the project and next steps. The next steps in the project involve discussions with property owners and the formation of a task force to work with the CCRPC and review a draft of the map. The plan at this point is to meet with the PC in November to discuss the draft.

    The PC also discussed the draft zoning that they have been working on since last year. There were only a few small changes that they were working on since their last meeting. They warned the draft for a public hearing to be held on September 8. You can view the current draft on the CD project page.

    The full PC agenda is available to view on this page.

  • Planning Commission Meeting - July 21

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
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    The Planning Commission will be meeting on Tuesday July 21 from 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm. This meeting will be held virtually.

    How to Participate: Zoom is free to the public and does not require registration or log-in. Public is welcome to participate in this meeting using the following methods:

    1. Access the Zoom meeting for free on your computer, smartphone or tablet: No password is required when using the above link. This method allows for video and audio connection.
    2. Call-in to the webinar: (646) 558-8656 or (301) 715-8592, enter the Zoom webinar ID #884 5184 5445, and press # when prompted. This option allows for audio only connection.
    3. MMCTV live video recording on Youtube: and live on the MMCTV local Comcast Cable Channel 1086.
    4. Email public comments ahead of time to be delivered to the PC to Katherine Sonnick, Planning Director, at

    On the agenda:

    The PC will discuss the draft Zoning. This is a draft that they have been working on with the public for since last fall. The version they are working on now has been revised to respond to comments and the discussion at their July 7 Planning Commission meeting. The draft can be viewed on the Commercial District project page.

    The PC will also talk about future project and specifically about the Official Map project. We hope to have more information from the CCRPC about when that project will kick off.

    The full agenda can be viewed on the Agenda and Minutes section of this page or by clicking here.

  • Special Planning Commission Meeting

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
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    The Planning Commission will hold a special meeting on Friday July 10 at 4:00 pm. This meeting will be held virtually.

    How to Participate: Zoom is free to the public and does not require registration or log-in. Public is welcome to participate in this meeting using the following methods:

    1. Access the Zoom meeting for free on your computer, smartphone or tablet: No password is required when using the above link. This method allows for video and audio connection.
    2. Call-in to the webinar: (646) 558-8656 or (301) 715-8592, enter the Zoom webinar ID #884 5184 5445, and press # when prompted. This option allows for audio only connection.
    3. MMCTV live video recording on Youtube: link) and live on the MMCTV local Comcast Cable Channel 1086.
    4. Email public comments ahead of time to be delivered to the PC to Katherine Sonnick, Planning Director, at

    On the agenda:

    Open Meeting Violation Cure - Declare 6/16/20 Executive Session As Void.

    The full agenda can be viewed on the Agenda and Minutes section of this page.

Page last updated: 22 Jul 2024, 04:35 PM